
Saturday, June 26, 2004

Song of the Day:

You're not the easiest person I ever got to know
And it's hard for us both to let our feelings show
Some would say I should let you go your way
You'll only make me cry
If there's one guy, just one guy
Who'd lay down his life for you and die
It's hard to say it
It's hard to say it, but it's probably me
When the world's gone crazy and it makes no sense
There's only one voice that comes to your defence
The jury's out and your eyes search the room
And one friendly face is all you need to see
If there's one guy, just one guy
Who'd lay down his life for you and die
It's hard to say it
I hate to say it, but it's probably me
I hate to say it
I hate to say it, but it's probably me

This Day in History:

In 1870, the first section of Atlantic City, New Jersey's Boardwalk was opened to the public. Ah, but do we go with the Driftr's "Under the Boardwalk" refernece here, or do we go with the "Collect $200 as you pass GO" reference? Neither are funny or original so we'll skip them both.

Couldn't resist

In 1900, a commission that included Dr. Walter Reed began the fight against the deadly disease yellow fever. Fever! Fevah when you kiss me, fevah when you hold me tight.

Sorry, you're right. Yeller fever isn't anything to laugh at. BUt since it was back in Nineteen-ought, it's OLD yeller fever, which is different than a compulsion to watch old Disney movies. (Old Yeller! Come back Yeller! Best dog-gone dog in the west!) I defy you to tell me you didn't cry when that dog got shot. It was the first time many of us were faced with such conflicting feelings. Having to kill something that you loved so much, whether it be a pet, a relationship, a car, etc. Part of you hates the thing you kill, because you loved it so much. Which just makes you love it all the more. (See Shakespeare Quote of the day.) And you hate yourself for allowing your heart to be put in such a pecarious situation, but it's obvious there was't any way to avoid it. It's part of living life, and part of the risk of loving. You risk being hurt because the reward is so much greater.

In 1963, President Kennedy visited West Berlin, where he made his famous declaration: "Ich bin ein Berliner " (I am a Berliner).

In 1968, Chief U.S. Justice Earl Warren announced his intention to resign. Earl Warren would be replaced by Warren Burger.

Mmmmm, Warren Burger....

In 1993, President Clinton announced the U.S. had launched missiles against Iraqi targets because of "compelling evidence" Iraq had plotted to assassinate former President Bush.

Mmmmm, bush.....

And you were thinking of some OTHER bush, weren't you? You figured I post something a bit more racy, like maybe some sort of member of the passionfruit family? For instance, the labiaberry? (Great in pies, with some whipped cream!) Revealed a "seed"ier side to your mind than you thought possible? Welcome to the Daily Update. First time here? Feel free to look around.

Todays birthdays:

Gedde Wantanabe. 49. Doesn't ring a bell? How about the phrase, "No more yanky my wanky. The Donger need food!" Or Kuni, from the hit Weird Al Movie, "UHF".

Stooopid! You soooo stoooopid!

Chris Isaak is 48. He has a show on Showtime, but he'll always be known for his video for "I don't want to fall in love". I COULD show you a picture of Chris, but I think you'd better remember and appreciate Helena Christensen.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

My only love sprung from my only
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me,
That I must love a loathed enemy.

Romeo and Juliet Act I, Scene V

Word of the Day:
starveling , noun:
One who is thin from lack of food, or who is starving or being starved.

1. Being a starveling.
2. Poor in quality; inadequate.

Response on the last update:

I hate Charlie sheen, damn him to hell!!!

Would the wife go for it if I told her I wanted to get a copy of the ‘child development’ edition of Playboy, to witness those kajungas??

I thought so.

Nice update….

Except for the visual of you in the love tub….AAAAWWWWWWW

Well, if you insist on referring to them as "kajunjas", I don't see it happening. You'd stand a better chance of using the lame excuse that there's a cool article that you just HAD to read. (It worked just once for me, since they interviewed Clint Eastwood a few years back....)

Best you just buy it and hide it under the mattress, like you did in our teens. She's sure to never look there! Unless she changes the sheets. Then you're screwed. Stupid sheets.

Appreciate the kind words, all the way up until you mentioned the hot tub part. Hey, even I didn't need that visual. It coulda been worse...it coulda been me and Ron Jeremy in there. (Now THAT'S fighting dirty with mental images.)


Monica vs. Bill

Monica Lewinsky is upset that Bill Clinton dismissed his own role in their affair in his recent biography by saying that he did it for the worst possible reason...he could. This is essentially the "Otter Stratton" defense....specifically "You fucked up - you trusted us! Hey, make the best of it!".

Let me get this straight...You have an affair with a married man. Notjust a married man, but the Presidento the United States. You know he has a family. So you're a home-wrecker. And not just any home, but the freaking WHITE HOUSE. Granted, he had his share in the wrecking of it (the family, not the White house, though Republicans would beg to differ), but after watching him protect his own hide with your carcass, you expect him to come clean and admit that he has weepy-sobby-spongecake-soft feelings for you, and that it wasn't just your oral skills that he was interested in?

Listen. You've proven that he's an adulterer. Adulterers LIE to their spouses (supposedly their best friends) to keep it secret and protect their public image, and to themselves in order to justify the act. Your feelings are way down the list of priorities. So don't expect him to beome a moral compass when he obviously never was one in the first place! You may feel entitled to some apology or for some admission of guilt on his part, but despite what sweet pillowtalk you may have shared over the phone or under his desk, he doesn't give a crap about what you think you're entitled to!

Why can I picture former Prez. Clinton standing there quoting Nicholson saying " I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it. I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to."

Monica, you gotta accept your role in it at the same time, and you have to have much more realistic expectations about life before you can try to garner the public support like you have.

International Space Station: Failure

Crewmembers are hearing creaks and groans, noises that they cannot account for. They are in serious danger of losing one of the gyroscopes that controls the movement of the Space Station. 2 of 3 American spacesuits are broken, forcing the astronauts to Macguyver one togeather from spare parts and some Russian suits. And one of them was leaking on a recent scrubbed spacewalk. Ok not leaking. A faulty switch. Either way, a space station that was originally built to house 7 scientists now holds 2 people. And it's falling apart on them. And because of the recent Shuttle disaster, another Shuttle isn't coming until fall. Maybe not until November. I loved the ideals of this program, but I think it's running perilously clsoe to having to admit it's failed. It's nowhere near what it was intended to be...a labratory in space to explore and discover new treatments, new technology....and a group effort with the nations of the world to work togeather on a common goal. I wanted this thing to work, but unless anyone out there can show me the silver lining, all I see is storm clouds.

Picture of Natalia Paris for no reason:

I could talk more, but I think we'll put an early end to this and talk more next week.

I'll leave you with a sermon from that one funky guy....

"Dearly beloved,

We are gathered here today to get through this thing called...LIFE.
Electric word; life- it means forever, and thats a mighty long time.
But I'm here to tell you!
There's something else...
The afterworld.
A world of neverending happiness.
You can always see the sun, day or night. "

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Song of the Day:

What else can it be except this pride I'm sick of drinking.
Storm clouds all have gone away.
Can we stop this thing from sinking?
Because I wanna feel like I did.
And I wanna feel innocence.
And I want you to know,
and to feel in your soul,
that someone has come and gone.
I'm stuck up here with you.
I never thought we'd get this high.
I used to be afraid of falling.
Now I'll spread my wings and I will fly.
I wanna feel like I did.
And I wanna feel innocence.
I wanna feel like I did.
Oh, I wanna feel innocence, oh. I...

This Day in History:

In 1314, the forces of Scotland's King Robert I defeated the English in the Battle of Bannockburn. This is the battle portrayed at the very end of the movie Braveheart, that essecntially won the Scots their freedom.

In 1509, Henry VIII was crowned King of England.

In 1908, the 22nd and 24th president of the United States, Grover Cleveland, died in Princeton, N.J., at age 71.

Prsident Grover likes to get his grub on.

In 1975, 113 people were killed when an Eastern Airlines Boeing 727 crashed while attempting to land during a thunderstorm at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.

In 1983, the space shuttle Challenger — carrying America's first woman in space, Sally K. Ride — coasted to a safe landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

In 1987, comedian-actor Jackie Gleason died at his home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., at age 71.

A picture of Ashley Judd for no reason at all:

Soon to be a re-occuring piece (no, not that) in the Daily Update....

Shakespeare Quote of the day:
"I will speak daggers to her, but use none". - Hamlet (Act III, Scene II).

Word of the Day:

deipnosophist \dyp-NOS-uh-fist\, noun:
Someone who is skilled in table talk.

The Weekend That Was:

As you might remember, this past weekend the wife and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. And for the 1st time in our marriage, she took the drivers seat in planning out how we would celebrate.

From the start of Saturday, we were able to sleep in until we were ready to rise with the morning sun. Fighting the urge to stay in bed for the remainder of the day (save for an occasional shower or brief breaks for replinishment of fluids and cramp bouts), we arose and loaded up the car for a leisurly drive to the Minnesota Wisconsin border, where we walked along the river in HUdson Wi, able to simply enjoy each other's company. We were able to talk and concentrate on each other, rather than being interupted with childrens requests for a drink of water, or food or whatever the case may be. The weather was clear and crisp, and the company was unmatchable. To be able to see the woman I married as a woman...as my wife, and not see the role of mother was refreshing. We are different people than we are as parents, and that's not a bad thing. But it was nice to see those other people again, if only for the day.

After walking along the boardwalk, we grabbed a bite to eat, stared into each others eyes, and giggled, and carried on as 2 people on the START of a relationship, rather than as 2 who had fought the wars one must to get to 7 years of marriage. From there, we headed to our lodging for the night, The Phipps Inn. After a brief tour of the home, we retired to our own room, The Master Suite, which holds a large feather bed, a fantastic fireplace, a screened patio accessed through a window, and a large bathroom with a fainting couch and large 2 person hot tub.

Pictures simply could not do the place justice. The entire place has a formal feel to it, to be sure, but at the same time, has been able to find a delicate balance, allowing it to feel as warm and comfortable as your own home. There are wonderful pieces throughout, but the most impressive by far (im my estimation) was the bed in the Peacock room, a half-tester bed.

The picture pales in comaprison to seeing this work of art in person. The onl, and I mean, ONLY compalint that I had throughout the weekend was that this bed was not in the master suite instead. Tell me this bed DOESN'T look like something Abraham Lincoln would have slept in?

As it was getting clsoe to dinner, we walked back down through the town, and down to the river, where we watched people boating and tanning,and covorting out in the open water. But after much walking, we needed to rest our feet, and quench our thirsts. Based on some reviews we ahd read back at the inn, we ventured into Winzer Stube. Having eaten only a few hours before, we were disapointed in ourselves for not being able to truly test the menu, having to settle for lighter fare, avoiding the amzaing options on the menu. Instead, I had the "Salat mit huhn unt Schicken" and the bride had the Cream of Mushroom soup and a salat to go with it. The broth of the mushroom soup was enough for me to give notion to re-considering my stance on mushrooms, but it was not to be. A visit to a German resteraunt is nothing without an authentic German pretzel with fresh mustard, and it did not disapoint. I desperately wanted to try the Apple strudel, but the presence of raisins was enough to keep me away. Next time however, I'll order it anyway, and work my way around them.

Stuffed to the gills, we began our sunset walk back to our small hideaway, where we ajourned onto our screened porch to have a glass of wine while we watched the sun set, and a happy game of cribbage.

The rest of the stay will have to be left to your imaginations. It won't leave mine for quite some time.

Music Notes:

Hoobastank--The Reason. I know I'm way behind on the curve, but the singer for Hoobastank has quite a bit of a voice on him. Good catchy song. A few more like that, and I'll have to start following the band. To be honest though, I'm surprised it hasn't been attached to any of the summer blockbuster films, like Spiderman 2, or something. Or maybe it has, and I've compeletely missed it.

JC Chasez says that some girls dance with women. Hmmm....

Yes, I see his point.

Sports Section

The Lakers lost the Championship to the Detroit "Anyone but the Lakers", forcing the Lakers coach into retirement, and a massive overhaul of the team where there is talk of even Shaquille O'Neal being traded. Now, for his part, Shaq requested to be traded. But seeing as how there isn't anyone anywhere CLOSE to his size or ability in the NBA, and how you'd never get equal value back, I have to wonder how foolish the Lakers Gm would be to pull the trigger on any deal involving the big man.

ONe group of athletes the Lakers CANT trade away would be the Laker Girls. Especially Kristen Dinsmore (top row, 5th one in).

The problem is that Shaq and Kobe can't get along. Despite Kobe's legal troubles, he's supposedly the more attractive of the two, since he's younger, healthier, and most important, a free agent at this time. Either way, Kobe isn't 350 lbs and 7 foot and can't play center. Not only that, he was conspicuously absent during the finals, and hardly made himself popular with his teammates. The Lakers are entitled to do what they want, but my guess is that if they keep Kobe around, they'll find that the headaches he creates are not worth whatever they may get from him out on the court. And if they do keep Kobe like they plan, I garauntee they won't win a title without Shaq. IN fact, if they trade O'Neal, I'll bet that whatever team gets him wins a title next year, and they beat the Lakers on their way to the Finals.

Variety (Movie News from IMDB.com):

Liv Tyler is Expecting

So Liv Tyler found a way to have a child without bothering to involve me in the conception, huh? I see how it is. No, it's fine. I'm happy for her. I suppose it was rather silly for me to think she'd wait around for me, but still....

Liv has no regard for others needs.

Gary Oldman to break character and play A BAD GUY in Star Wars III

I love Gary Oldman's work. There isn't a better person to play a bad guy, other than possibly John Malkovich. So why Garty would attach himself to a movie that has a high probability of biting the wax tadpole....I have no idea. I'll admit that I wouldn't turn down such a chance either, for what Star Wars used to mean to me and so many other people who grew up with Star Wars. I like the idea of the next movie, and especially Gary Oldman involved. I just think there is too much to resolve in the next movie to fit it all in. you've got Oldman's Character, you've got Darth Tyranous still lurking out there, the emporer, the birht of Luke and Leia, Anakin's entual turn to the Dark side, and you KNOW that Anakin and Obi Wan will have to face off against each other. (If it holds true to the original story, it's on the lip of a very active Volcano. You can guess who gets the worst of that. ) I desperately want this movie to be good, but I have no faith in it's original creator (Lucas) to allow myself to think that it will be anything but horrible.

Tommy Lee starts drinking again

See, that's mis-leading because you'd ahve to believe he ever stopped at one point The amount of alchohol that he's consumed over the years surely has been absorbed into this body that if he went without an alcholoic beverage, his body would simply draw on the stores of whiskey it keeps in his sponge-like muscles (or worse, his well known endowment), wrapped tightly in a leathery skin, much like a lambskin canteen. And what this? He played lousy music?

Club Manager Steve Christie said "He was playing lousy music. Some of it was his own and most of it was totally unrecognizable, and the bottom line is, the crowd didn't dig it. "

NOt a good sign for that next album, Tommy.

John Stamos is living in denial.

John Stamos is dating a leg modeel in his attempt to move on from Rebeca Romaijn. Well, do what you have to and say to yourself what you have to Joh. But chances are you won't be trading up from this any time soon:

Denise Richards will show her baby feeders in PLayboy in December

I still hate Charlie Sheen.

I HATE Charlie Sheen.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Song of the Day:

I love the way ya look tonight
With your hair hangin’ down on your shoulders
N’ I love the way ya dance your slow sweet tango
The way ya wanna do everything but talk
And how ya stare at me with those undress me eyes
Your breath on my body makes me warm inside

Let’s make out - let’s do something amazing
Let’s do something that’s all the way
Cuz I’ve never touched somebody like the way I touch
Your body
Now I never want to let your body go...

Let’s make a night - to remember
From january - to december
Let’s make love - to excite us
A memory - to ignite us
Let’s make honey baby - soft and tender
Let’s make sugar darlin’ - sweet surrender
Let’s make a night - to remember - all life long

This day in History:

In 1778, American forces entered Philadelphia as the British withdrew during the Revolutionary War. Unfortunately for the British, in this instance the withdrawl method failed to prevent the birht of a new nation.

In 1812, the United States declared war against Britain.

In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte met his Waterloo as British and Prussian troops defeated the French in Belgium. From The Writers Almanac:

Today is the anniversary of the day in 1815 that Napoleon Bonaparte lost his final major battle near Waterloo Village in Belgium. Napoleon was a great French emperor and general, but he came from the island of Corsica; his father sent him to military school in France. When he was in school he hated the French, and his teachers referred to him as "that dangerous islander." He was an impatient person even at an early age. He once went to see a hot air balloon launch, and when the launch was delayed, he walked up and cut the balloon loose with a penknife because he was tired of waiting around.

Napoleon took command of the French army after the French Revolution, and he was the first military leader in Europe to use commoners as officers. He believed that in order to inspire his men, the officers of his army should be dressed in beautiful uniforms, and they should all carry the same flag. Before Napoleon there were many different French flags, but he made sure that there was only one. He handed out specially made medals after every major battle—silver mounted muskets, carbines, drumsticks, axes. He once gave a special ear trumpet to a captain who had gone deaf after a mine explosion.

He declared himself emperor of France in 1804 and started invading and attacking almost everyone in Europe: England, Germany, Russia, Spain. His invasion of Russia became the subject of Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. His invasion of Spain inspired the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya to paint some of the most famous of anti-war paintings of all time, including "Third of May," which shows French soldiers shooting at a crowd of unarmed men.

After a series of defeats, Napoleon abdicated the throne and went to live on the island of Elba. He took long salt baths and read The Arabian Nights. After a year in exile, he got bored and went back to France. He gathered an army and marched north toward Belgium where he hoped to attack and destroy the English and Prussian armies, which were gathering near Brussels.

His plan was to split his own army and attack the English and Prussian armies separately, in order to drive them apart. Then he could defeat them one at a time. But the men in his army were mostly peasants and farmers he had gathered on his way north. They loved him, but they had no real experience on the battlefield. Due to a series of blunders, his two flanks accidentally drove the English and Prussian armies closer together rather than further apart.

Napoleon got the bad news at 11:00 PM on June 17th, and he spent all night worrying about it. There had been a thunderstorm that evening so he'd been forced to delay his attack on the British troops near the village of Waterloo. It was still raining on the morning of this day in 1815, as Napoleon rode his horse around the camp, inspecting his troops. He was so exhausted that later that morning he sat down in a chair and immediately fell asleep.

But despite everything going against him, he still thought he could win. He had 74,000 men compared to the opposing army's 68,000, and he had superior artillery. He told his chief of staff, "This affair is nothing more than eating breakfast." Unfortunately for Napoleon, the rain had delayed the battle so long that the Prussian army had time to arrive with reinforcements and help the British win the battle. Napoleon lost 25,000 men. He signed a second abdication in Paris and went to live on the remote island of St. Helena off the coast of Africa.

The word "Waterloo" has come to mean a decisive and final defeat. It was the abolitionist and orator Wendell Phillips who first said, "Every man meets his Waterloo at last."

In 1928, aviator Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as she completed a flight from Newfoundland to Wales in about 21 hours.

In 1940, during World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill urged his countrymen to conduct themselves in a manner that would prompt future generations to say, "This was their finest hour."

In 1945, William Joyce, known as "Lord Haw-Haw," was charged in London with high treason for his English-language wartime broadcasts on German radio. (He was hanged the following January.)

In 1983, astronaut Sally K. Ride became America's first woman in space as she and four colleagues blasted off aboard the space shuttle Challenger.

When I was growing up, there was a fairly popular song by Blues Image called "Ride Captain Ride". THe lyrics of the refrain were:

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship
On your way to a world that others might have missed

The only problem was that I mis-heard the lyrics. I thought it was Ride, Sally Ride, upon your mystery ship. I thought it was a dedication TO Sally Ride since she was the first American woman in space. Turns out not only was I wrong about the lyrics to the Blues Image song, but there actually is a song that has those lyrics of Ride Sally Ride. But it has NOTHING to do with the astronaut that I know of.

It's Mustang Sally.

And what it's about, well....

Mustang Sally
Guess you better slow your Mustang down
Mustang Sally , baby
I guess you better slow your Mustang down
You been a runnin' all over town
I guess I'll better put your big feet on the ground, oh yes, I will

All you wanna do is ride around, Sally (ride Sally ride)
All you wanna do is ride around, Sally (ride Sally ride)
All you wanna do is ride around, Sally (ride Sally ride)
All you wanna do is ride around, Sally (ride Sally ride)

It seems rather obvious. Cars.

Well, maybe not about the ENTIRE car....more like just part of the car....

like the back seat, maybe....

There wasn't any familiar names amongst those celebrating a birthday (unless you REALLY want a picture of Roger Ebert) so instead I'll post a picture of Alicia Rickter.

I think we'll all agree that I made the correct choice.

Obligatory Shakeare Quote of the Day:
But love is blind, and lovers cannot see".-Merchant of Venice

Word of the Day:
love (luhv)n.

1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.

a. Sexual passion.
b. Sexual intercourse.
c. A love affair.

4. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.

5. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment.

6. An expression of one's affection: Send him my love.

a. A strong predilection or enthusiasm: a love of language.
b. The object of such an enthusiasm: The outdoors is her greatest love.
8. Love Mythology. Eros or Cupid.
9. often Love Christianity. Charity.
10. Sports. A zero score in tennis.

Love is patient and kind; It is not jealous or conceited or proud; Love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; Love does not keep a record of wrongs; Love is not happy with evil, but rejoices in the truth. Love never gives up. And its faith, hope and patience never fail. Love is eternal. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Movie Quote of the Day:
Don Juan: There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same: only love.

News Flash! Not all teens want to dress like Slutney Spears!

Interesting article was in the Star tribune yesterday,a nd was also at Netscape.com. Seems that there are some kids out there that understand the concept of dressing respectable without being a prude, NOR a whore. Interesting idea, that. 12 eyar old girls shouldn't be wearing thongs in this dad's opinion. Not a radical idea amongst dads, and sure not to be popular with the pre-teen crowd who reads this publication (note: there are none), but it's still a valid point nonetheless. I think the low riding jeans and thong combination has worn itself out at this point anyway. It used to be kinda sexy to get a peak at a woman's underwear. Now? It's so commonplace, that it's lost it's luster. Rather than getting a hidden glimpse at a womans intimates, you feel like you're looking at someone's grundy undies. I'm probably alone on that, BUTT that's the way it is.

Case in point:

Either you find it sexy, or you don't. I don't. Now, were she to lose the pants entirely, then it takes on a different context. Otherwise, you just end up looking slutty. (the tatoo across the lower back does ablsolute zero for me, ASS well. The tattoo itself might be pretty, but it just makes your hips look even wider. NOT complimentary.)

Ray Charles

Ray is dead. Ray hasn't meant much to me beyond Diet Coke commercials (you almost forgot about them, didn't you?) until one fateful day I happened upon "the Blues Brothers". The best scene in which Ray is involved is when the kid goes to steal a guitar off the wall, and Ray puts a bullet hole into about 3 inches from the kids hand. It inspired one of my most favorite and funny mental images. Ray Charles and Stevie WOnder in a gun fight. Looks like Stevie won, but Ray, I have to say thanks for putting a smile on my face. Where ever you may be, I hope there's a keyboard there, and I hope they threw in the black keys for free.

Come on and let me see you shake your tailfeather!

Websites for Ray's music...
There's this one....

and another.

It'd be rather inappropriate to play "Hit he Road, Jack" on this day of mourning for one of the greatests musicians of our time. Funny, but wrong and rude.

American Hostages

Word came across just a few minutes ago that American Hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr was be-headed by the Al-Qaida terroists, because the parties that be wouldn't agree to releasing all Al-Qaida prisoners being held by Saudi Arabia.

Paul's family had been begging and pleading for his life over the past few days, in the vain hope to play on their sense of decency, and release Mr Johnson. It fell on cold, deaf ears and hearts.

The family didn't care about the politics involved that got Paul into the situation he was in. They won't care about the hundreds of radio talk show hosts are going to rationalize it by saying that the terrorists were making unrealistic demands, and that even if the demands were met, they would have done their dispicable act anyway. All they knew was that their family member was in horrible danger,and everyone of them would have done anything and everything necessary to get him back. And now he's gone. the pain and fury and anguish must be indescribable. I can't know the depths of their pain, and I don't want to. But as an American citizen, I nonetheless feel some of that pain with them. Nothing that we do can bring him back. But those that so callously took his life in such a grisly manner.....God help you if we ever find you. Any death that you get will be humane in comparison.

Plans for the weekend

The kids have already been dispatched to their caretakers. Which means that when I get home,. the wife and I will start our first vacation beyond 24 hours that we aren't "Mom" and "Dad". How long exactly? Who knows. It might be a 36 hour vacation. Maybe 28 hours. Who knows. All I know is that it's a great chance for her and I to spend time togeather as a couple, not as parents. Sautrday we're headed someplace (it's a surprise) to do something (what exactly, I'm not sharing), and we're not coming back until everyone is sufficiently relaxed.

Sunday is Father's Day, and we'll be headed up to Grampa Kurt's for hot dogs and onion burgers, etc,a nd then we will return home. And then, Monday is the grandest of all days, where we will celebrate our 7th year of being married. It hasn't always been as smooth as our babies bottoms (or mine, for that matter, since they have my fine backside by way of genetics), but it has been fulfilling in more ways than I could have imagined. 7 down, and at least another 93 to go. I can't wait to see what the upcoming years have in store for us.

Tuesday marks my lovely bride's birthday. This year, she'll finally be as old as E, a grand 28. Err, a wonderful twenty-eight years old. Not a thousand and 28. Sorry. So your Daily Update will most likely be updated next Wednesday.

Until then, here's a lovely latin lass to get you through.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Song of the Day:

All the world is a stage (world is a stage)
And everyone has their part (has their part)
But how was I to know which way the story'd go
How was I to know you'd break
(You'd break, you'd break, you'd break)
You'd break my heart

I've always been in love with you
(I've always been in love with you)
Guess you've always known
You took my love for granted, why oh why
The show is over, say good-bye

That Day in History (Monday):

In 1775, the United States Army was founded.

In 1777
, the Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the Stars and Stripes as the national flag.

In 1846, a group of U.S. settlers in Sonoma proclaimed the Republic of California. Jed Clampett could not be reached for comment.

In 1940, in German-occupied Poland, the Nazis opened their concentration camp at Auschwitz.

In 1943, the Supreme Court ruled schoolchildren could not be compelled to salute the flag of the United States if doing so conflicted with their religious beliefs.

In 1954, 50 years ago, President Eisenhower signed an order adding the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.

This Day in History (Tuesday):

In 1775, the Second Continental Congress voted unanimously to appoint George Washington head of the Continental Army.

In 1844, Charles Goodyear received a patent for his process to strengthen rubber. (No, not that.)

In 1864, Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton signed an order establishing a military burial ground, which became Arlington National Cemetery.

In 1978, King Hussein of Jordan married 26-year-old American Lisa Halaby, who became Queen Noor.

As you can see, King Hussein did pretty dang well for himself.

In 1993, former Texas Governor John Connally, who was wounded in the gunfire that killed President Kennedy, died at age 76.

Word of the Day:
tarradiddle \tair-uh-DID-uhl\, noun:
1. A petty falsehood; a fib.
2. Pretentious nonsense.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

Brabantio: Look to her. Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:
She has deceiv'd her father, and may thee.

Othello: My life upon her faith!
(Othello Act I, SC. III)

Coca-Cola launches C2

This weekend, the neighbors threw a graduation party for Neighborhood Nanny. Parched by the summer heat, I thought I'd go rummaging around in the ice box. (No comments about ex-girlfriends here....) My findings turned up a familiar yet bizarre can of carbonated soda. Turns out that the fine people at Coca-Cola Bottling Co. have released a new product that snuck under my radar. C2, they call it. Not knowing anything about it, I cracked it open and eagerly chugged down a swallow or two.

When my taste buds revived from the shock, I was able to recover enough to note a strange aftertaste, similar to the aftertaste you get with a diet or Caffine Free soda. However, this one reminded me instead of the taste of the old New York Seltzer drinks that were popular during the late 80's.

The initial taste is quite a bit different than your regular Coca Cola as well, as though they're using a different sweetener than the sugar or corn syrup that they usually use. Well, that makes sense, since it's "1/2 of the carbs, 1/2 of the calories".

The carb diets have gone too far, my friends. If you're drinking enough soda for it to greatly affect your carb intake for a day, then maybe you have some other dietary issues. And when you threaten my original formula Coca-cola....you've crossed a line, bub. Cherry Coke, Vanilla coke...acceptable variations on a theme. C2 is a bastardized Frankenstein's monster that should not see the light of day again.

Krempe: [voiceover] "You fool, Victor Frankenstein of Geneva, how could you know what you had unleashed? How was it pieced together? Bits of thieves? It's of murderers? Evil stitched to evil stitched to evil. God help your loved ones. "

Still,I'd drink 3 gallons of it before a drop of Pepsi would pass my lips.

NBA Finals

I'm no fan of the Pistons or Rasheed Wallace. I hated the 1989 and 1990 Bad Boys Pistons teams of Lambeer and Rodman, and Thomas et al. Rasheed Wallace is a malcontent and hardly a reputable human being, save for his occasional basketball skills.

And yet I find myself pulling for them to win this series. Well, correction. I'm not cheering for them, as much as it is I am cheering for "Anyone But The Lakers". AS of right now, it's "ABTL" 3 games to the Lakers 1 game in a best of 7 series.

As bad as Rasheed Wallace may be, he's not the admitted adulterer (though I'm not naive enough to think that he couldn't be) and alleged rapist that Kobe Bryant is. That sort of action simply can't be allowed to be rewarded with a championship trophy. And if it prevents Karl Malone and Gary Payton from getting a ring, so much the better. The fact that they figured they could just sign with the Lakers and breeze their way to a ring was rather...presumptuous. especially Malone. It was so blatantly obvious why he jumped ship from Utah, and a rather ugly divorce from a place that revered him as much as they did.

So tonight I'll be cheering for Anybody but the Lakers. It just so happens that happens to be the Pistons.

15 year old kid donates "life force" to brother

A recent story seen on www.fark.com detailed the family strife of one Kevin Nettle and his wife. Try as they might, they were unable to conceive a baby on their own. WHat to do?

Why, turn to his 15 year old brother, naturally! Now, beveroe you get concerned about his wife sleeping with her underage brother in law, they decided on the method of artificial insemination. Which means that all the 15 year old Cody had to do was what came natrually to him. (No pun intended.) Only this time, it was in a clinic with a collection cup. And probably better "inspiriation material" than he was able to get on his own, being 15 and all.

Now, before any of you get the idea that I'm knocking it, I'm not. Making a baby, believe it or not, is hard work for some couples. And we're not talking about just the act itself, but the emotional and mental anguish that it can bring if you aren't successful. Rather than turning to a stranger, they were able to rely on a close family member. And the teenager's reaction?

"My only regret is that I couldn’t make the baby the old fashioned way. Adrienne was a cheerleader at Purdue and is still pretty hot. I wouldn’t have minded taking a stab at her in the sack,” added Cody.

Cody, I think we all would like to have a cheerleader at some point in our lives...

Looking for a cheerleader outfit for your HOME team bed wrestler?

Here's your source.

IMDB news

Let's go trolling through their announcements, shall we?

Lessee....Britney SPears to launch new fragrance....we'll guess that it'll be called "Eau de Let me distract you from the fact that I really don't have any talent with my T & A."

Slater pays Thousands for Lap Dancers....yeah, that's a shock. Really noteworthy there. Oh, look! Surprising development! Oxygen good for humans! Still, that being said, there has been alot of reports recently about strip clubs pputting bogus charges on customers credit cards, most notably this one. When even strip clubs are no longer the wholesome family fun they used to be, you KNOW the world has gone to hell in a conveinent handbasket. Thank goodness for the handy thermos that keeps hot things hot and cold things cold!

You mean to tell me they're only after my MONEY? I feel so foolish.

She took my money
my cig-a-rettes.
I haven't seen
the worst of it yet.

Well, when doubt creeps into your mind, you have to rely on Faith. Faith Hill, apparently. Faith Hill's Orgasm Embarrassment certainlly catches the eye for a title, doesn't it?

Apparently she had to fake an orgasm in the new move, The Stepford Wives, ths assuring that I MUST see this movie. DO I need to see a movie to see a woman fake an orgasm? No comment on THAT, thank you very much.

Faith should never have to worry about putting on that kind of acting performance. That bastard Tim McGraw.

More later. I'm spent.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Song of the Day:
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new

Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wond'ring what in the world did I do?
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you

Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you.

That Day in History (Saturday):

In 1783, The Montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Jaques, showed off in public with their hot air balloon in a 10 minute flight over a French town, Annonay. The balloon wasn't manned however. It was simply an exteremely large paper bag that rose about 3,000 feet into the air (thanks to hot air from a fire), remained aloft for the 10 minute period,a nd then came down a 1 1/2 miles away. Later, tehy would perform a demonstration for Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette where tehy loaded a sheep, duck and rooster aboard a balloon, and this time it stayed up 8 minutes and traveled 2 miles.

In 1968, Robert F Kennedy declared victory during the Democratic Presidential Primary in California. Within minutes of his pronouncement, he would be assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan. He would later say "They can gas me, but I am famous. I have achieved in one day what it took Robert Kennedy all his life to do."

What he failed to realize was that while he was famous, he wasn't revered like Bobby was. Robert reminded people of his brohter for good reason, and many hoped to return to days they percieved better than the ones that were in place. Unfortunately, whatever curse that hides within the last name of Kennedy claimed Robert that day, Sirhan went to prison, and Richard Nixon became president.

There were no birthdays of note, though Saturday was the 5th anniversary for Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon.

It would be very disprespectful to comment on Reese's Pieces.

This Day in History:

Nothing interesting. Not even a birthday.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

"To mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on". -OTHELLO (Act I, Scene III)

Link of the Week:

Jessica Canizales needs more work. With your help, she can get it.

Rappin' 'bout Ronnie

One of my earliest memories is standing in some non-descript public building in Fargo, and following my father into a voting booth to vote for the President of the United States. All of 4 years old at the time, I remembr thinking that whomever was the guy who was currently President should remain President. (it was Jimmy Carter.) What did I know about Jimmy Carter? Absolutely nothing. Not much has cahnged since.

MY civic and political awareness wasn't much better throughout the rest of the early to mid 80's. Since he wasn't He-Man, a Transformer or Voltron, he wasn't about to get my attention. (We'll forget for a moment what the visual image of He-Man might reflect upon my own orientation. He was a popular cartoon at the time, and I was impressionable dammit. And you can't knock the Transformers or Voltron. 40 foot tall robots that cahnge into cars and trucks and stuff is cool, no matter what you might say to the contrary.) Where was I? Oh yes, Reagan.

Kids 8 years old normally don't understand politics. I knew that he WAS the President, and that was all I knew and needed to know at that point. It took a major event for him to register on my social radar, and even then,it was the event and not hte President taht captured my attention. The Challenger disaster for one. The Iran-Contra Affair for another.

I guess whatI mean to say is that I can't say much about the man's politics. He's respectable for standing toe to toe with the Soviets, and not flinching. He contributed to the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, albeit indirectly. But I have to say that I am glad the man has died. I don't mean that in a mean spirited way, or out of spite or meanness. Ronald was put through a terrible terrible death by way of Alsheimers. The essence of who Ronald Reagan IS was slowly taken away by that terrible disease. It must have been horrible for his family to watch a man who had accomplished so much lose his identity step by step, until he was unidentify-able. He was dead long before his body gave up. My best wishes to his family.

Does the Hennepin County Detainment Facility have a Vikings Suite?

Over the weekend, 3 Vikings players were arrested for their involvement in a fight at a nightclub. Apparently one of the players "allegedly" ran into a Brooklyn Center man's wife, and the Brooklyn center guy demanded an opology. things escalated, punches were thrown,and the 3 Vikings players continued to pound on the man even after he was unconcious.

Now as football players, many of them become targets because of their profession. And as such, in the pulic eye, they are required to avoid such transgressions at all means possible. Else, they are automatically guilty. It doesn't matter if some loudmouth drunk threw the first punch or not. (Which is not to say that is what happened here.) They have to walk away and avoid a scene at all costs, or tarnish their image in that same public eye.

But why is the Vikings Orginization so prominent in their off-field woes like this? Viking fans would scoff at the suggestion, and say that it happens on other teams as well. And it does. But there are sOME teams that are very good about avoiding it altogeather. Chicago doesn't seem to have near as many problems off the field as the Vikings do. Nor does many other teams. Or at least not to the extent that the Vikings do. In the time that I have observed football, there ahs been a minimum of at least 1 off-field issue, whether it be a child support scandal, or DWI, or a sex assault case, or in this instance, assault and battery.

For crying out loud, the Vikings Middle linebacker E.J. Henderson accounts for 2 of those alone this year! He had a DUI earlier this spring,and now this assault case. The other linebacker Mike Nattiel has the same issue! He had a DUI as well.

This isn't a new thing either. The Vikings have changed quite a bit from the days of Millard and Doleman. Millard, you may remember, drove his car thru a wall at a local fast food place, and then told the cops when they showed up that his arms were stronger than their guns. That was around 1988-90. It's 12 to 14 years later, and the Vikings still struggle keeping their players in line away from the field. this has remained despite a wholesale change in players, coaches, General Managers and OWNERS. From top to bottom, just about everything has changed but the prevailing sentiment within the orginization that they are infallible and untouchable. That needs to change, and soon. The Vikings Orginization needs to be held to a higher standard by the NFL, and they need to consider charachter a bit more before signing some of these people.

Hometown Hotties

Did you think I forgot? Heck, no! There have been some distractions recently, but I could not shirk my duties. As you might remember, there was quite a few Hometown Hotties that needed to be reduced down. (For further explanation, just scroll down.)

Well, we've been able to eliminate Elizabeth of MD, Cece of IL, Valerie of CA, Amber Dawn of FL, Agnes of IL, Nikki of SC, Natalie of SC, and Rhea of TX.

Meanwhile, Heidi of KS, Sonia of AZ and Michelle of MI have already locked up 3 of the 10 spots. That leaves 7 spots open.

Ninel Conde is NOT in the Hometown Hotties contest, but if she were, she would have a spot of her own.

So there you go. We'll talk more this week. Have a good night, everyone.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Song of the Day:
I'll close my eyes
then I won't see
the love you don't feel
when you're holding me

Morning will come
and I'll do what's right
just give me till then
to give up this fight
and I will give up this fight

Cause I can't make you love me
if you don't
You can't make your heart feel
something it won't
Here in the dark
in these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And I'll feel the power
but you won't
No, you won't
Cause I can't make you love me
if you don't

Today in History:

Oh it's a WONDERFUL day for those of you tuning in just for the pictures, especially those of you who like blondes.

We'll get to that in a bit, however. First we have to start off with something a least a little educational.

In 1813, the phrase "Dont give up the ship" was uttered by Captain James Lawrence. Lawrence was leading the U.S. frigate Chesapeake into battle against a British frigate, Shannon when he was wounded by small armsfire. As his crew carried him belowdecks, he shouted his famous line. The result? His ship was overtaken by the British, he died 3 days later, and his body returned to New York from Nova Scotia (where the British had taken the captured ship) so that it could be buried. Capt. Lawrence has had 5 naval ships named after him for his bravery, and mre info about him can be found here.

IN 1868, President James Buchanan died. Buchanan was the 15th president, and was suceeded by Abraham Lincon, who couldn't have appreciated Buchanan's mis-steps at holding togeather a divided country. In fact, Buchanan may have simply driven the wedge deeper, making war between the North and the South all that more unavoidable.

In 1926, Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles. Well...correction. Norma Jean was born, and later changed her name to Marilyn Monroe. Best known for her roles in "The Seven Year Itch", "Some like it Hot", and President Kennedy's main mistress; she's universally acclaimed as the hottest woman to hit the planet since Cleopatra.

The deadly ironic part in her life was that her public image was one that she could never live up to, and caused her great unhappiness throughout her life. In fact, 2 of the most historically beautiful women in recorded history...Marilyn Monroe and Helen of Troy..found their exquisite beauty to be a curse instead of a blessing. It doesn't bode well for our futures, now does it, E? Beautiful people like us are faced with the burden of being beautiful people. Regular people -"The Uglies" as we call them-will never know how much we do for them with our own presence. It might help if they stopped bumping into each other, but we can't do EVERYTHING for them.

(Subtle, huh?)

Today's Birthdays also include Sports Illustrated model Heidi Klum, who celebrates her 25th birthday for the 6th straight year.

And for all of you out there....you're welcome.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

"Excellent wretch!
Perdition catch my soul
But I do love thee!
and when I love thee not,
Chaos is come again"

Othello, Act III scene III


heterodox \HET-uh-ruh-doks\, adjective:
1. Contrary to or differing from some acknowledged standard, especially in church doctrine or dogma; unorthodox.
2. Holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines.

Topics of today's discussion

1. Sports
A. Timberwolves
B. Twins

2. Neighborhood Nanny

3.Approppriate Appreciation

4. Whatever I danged well feel like.


The Timberwolves were eliminated from the playofs, after pushing the Lakers to 6 games, which is a small victory, since many others figured it'd happen in 5. Going into this year, I was of the opinion that the not only had to get out of round 1 of the playoffs, but they had to beat a formidable opponent inthe playoffs before I would be willing to closely follow them again. They've done their part. So I'll be watching them closely this next season as they look to improve the teamin the offseason, so they can take that extra step.

Problem is...if Sam Cassell had been healthy enough to play in Game 6, they may have won that game. Next year, everyone will be just a little older, requiring this team to get deeper, and allow for some rest to Spreewell and Cassell. Let's not forget that they still need to add some talent here and there to improve on what they have. But I'll leave them to address it as they seem fit. Seems as though they've done well enough so far without my help. They don't need it now that they've baked the gathered the wheat, and ground it, and made the dough and baked the bread.

The Twins, meanwhile, have been in a tail dive ever since Shannon Stewart went down, despite the presence of Lew Ford, who continues to hit 300+, along with infielder Nick Punto. With a lack of Major League-quality infielders to take his place, it has left the Twins weak both in the field and at the plate. Even when healthy, Luis Rivas has been average, Jose Offerman is 5 years past any point he was helpful at 2nd base, Alex Prieto is obviously in over his head when batting, and Lord love him...Cuddyer just isn't hitting well enough. Cuddyer is around .210-.220 right now, and just can't seemt o get it going. Im starting to wonder if he can contribute on a major league level, which is too bad, because I figured he'd be a guy that would take off once he got regular playing time. But the offense is horrible in driving in runners when we have the chance to score.

And then there is the mediocre pitching....

It's better that we find a different subject to talk about.

Neighborhood Nanny

Amber the Au Pair turned 18 yesterday. I had a grand total of $.75 to give her a gift, so all I could do was give her a hug, wish her happy birhday, and silently pray that she stays involved in our family for as long as possible. I don't know how to qualify our relationship: Is she a friend? a daughter? a sister? All of them and none of them at the same time. I've mentioned it before...she's the ideal role model for my girls to emulate, and I can't imagine how we would have made it through the past 3 years without her. It's with a certain amount of pride that I say that it was I and not her parents who first sat her into a vehicle and taught her how to drive. It was I who chauffered her home from the Prom.

I remember with some chagrin the first day I met her. Anna was only 6 months or so old, when she came knocking on our back door. I wnet to answer and here was a tall, young, blessed girl with brunette hair. For only a moment, did I consider some rather inappropriate scenarios, as she immediately asked if Anna could come out.

I explained that Anna was only 6 months old. It was quizzical, like if you were to get a credit card application for your dog....only this was in person.

She said that she knew, so not knowing what else to do, I handed Anna over, figuring that the wife knew her. Thankfully, she did.

Amber has been in our lives ever since, and I can't picture it any differently. Thank you for lettingus be part of your life, Amber.

And no pictures for the rest of you heathens!

Desperate for cash and minty fresh breath:

For memorial Day, we figured we would head up to spend time with our favorite veteran, Grampa Kurt. It's a 45minute to an hour drive, so we thought we would load in the portable DVD player that we purchased for the wife's trip to Arizona. The wife happened to notice that the extra screen was stolen out of our van. It then occured to us that the front dash had beenplayed with, in that alot of the papers and garage opener was sitting on the front driver seat! They had stolen some cell phone cabling (cell phone was inside), and had made a small mess of things, but not much was taken. Wait..there was one other thing stolen.

A piece of fricking GUM.

Not the whole pack....just one piece.

So let me get this straight....you're rummaging around, commiting an act of larceny, when you stop suddenly and realize...you're breath is not as fresh as it could be! You need the icy cool sensation of Dentyne Ice! And what luck! Your poor victims have left a pack in the car for you!

It's almost enough to let the whole thing go. Almost.

The cabling was found around the corner, luckily. No sign of the screen though. Most likely it's lost for good. I COULD report it to my insurance company, but the deductible is $500. the screen was $120. Not wirht eh raised rates from the insurance company. And HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK ANYWAY? You pay them month after month after month for the "privledge" of carrying around a card that shows I pay them money. And then when I DO need their service, they hem and haw about it, finally give in,and then boost the rates...what the hell was I paying all of that cash for? And I thought it was stealing when they took the stuff out of my van. I forgot to consider the guys stealing out of my checking account (Insurance company, that is).

We filed a Police Report. It's not that I expect to get it back, but if it raises the awareness of the police on our neighborhood, I'm all for it.

Anyway, we didn't let it dull our spirits. We still headed up to Kurt's and had a fine time. And since Kurt is a veteran, I thanked him for the sacrifices he made for all of us and for all the things he has done to make those things possible. He said it was the first time anyone had ever said that to him. (Score some Son-in-law points on THAT particular conversation.) But what is ad is the truth behind it...we don't say thank you enough. What tehy have done to allow us to believe that we are ever-safe in our homeland,and to even believe it so much that we take it for granted despite all the threats lurking in the shadows out there...

Either way, I want to say thank you to ALL of the veterans out there who have made it easer for me to live my life as I see fit. I don't say that out of obligation of the day, but out of deeply felt sincerity.

That's all for now. I'd post more, but it's a very busy week with my special project at work, and some goings-on around the house. However, we're back on the internet at home, so maybe some postings from there later this week.

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