
Friday, May 28, 2004

I apologize to my public. Various forces and viruses have conspired against me to prevent me from updating. In "celebration" of the new Brat Pitt movie, a Trojan (now with warming liquid!) Horse of sorts has deposited (see:shat upon) my system, leaving in it's wake a series of droppings, resembling strange processes requiring much atention from the IT department.

Rumor has it I should ahve it back at that point, and we will talk more then.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Link of the week:

Lisa Grace is one of those starving models you always hear about. OK, she's not starving.But more than likely you don't know her. Here's a reason or two why you should.

Here's hoping we get to see more of your work, and soon.

Hometown Hotties, the review:

Oy, cutdown, brought the list to 25 girls. 25! That's 1/4th of the original 100!Granted, it wasn't extremely hard, since I had a good idea of whom I had voted for before, and some of the girls just plain old didn't belong in my opinion.

But with that said, I'll share with you my list.

Week 1 revealed a revealing Maggie, from CT. There was also Elizabeth of MD, and Mindy of MO, who had one of the ebst pair of legs throughout the entire contest. (PLease kindly refer to pic # 3.)

Week 2 starts off quickly with favorite/nemesis Lizzy of WI, and is closely followed by Angelica of TX for ample reasons. We also had Heidi of KS who is an overall favorite, Kristyl of FL , and the first of 2 Ginas located in California.

Week 3 has Lidia from TX representing nicely, and the 2nd Gina of CA.

Week 4 signals a bit of a dropoff, though there certainally are some bright spots here and there. But overall, there are some real rough spots from here on out. Anyway, Week 4 has Cece of IL , Valerie of CA, and Amber Dawn of FL (she doubles as a life raft, you know).

Week 5 has Crystal of OH, Agnes of IL and Melissa of FL. Crystal's resemblance to the model from Chris Isaak's "Don't want to fall in love" video in picture 2 has nothing to do with her choice. And that last sentance is a complete lie.

Week 6 is a vast wasteland. there are certainally some pretty girls, but noone I can nominate for the top 10.

Week 7, however, has Stacie of AL, to prevent the shutout for that particular week.

Week 8 is redeemed by Sonia of AZ, who has the most exotic eyes I've seen in some time. That is, when my own eyes make it that far north.

Week 9 is is in fine form, with Michelle of MI, Brittany of GA, Nikki of SC and Natalie of SC. Sould I include Jezebel of CA? WEll, I should have but I didn't. She's a favorite of mine, but I knew I would have to eliminate her at some point.

Week 10 contains the 1 person who might give Mindy of MO a run for best legs in the contest. And that would be Carolina of TX. What are the chances she is tired of hearing the cheesy line of "I've got Carolina on my mind?" Wait, that was Georgia. Never mind.

Also from week 10 was Rhea of TX and Martina of AZ.

Reducing these girls down to a final 10 is going to take more time than I have today, so I'll let you mull it over while I do the same, and we'll talk more later this week.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Song of the Day:

When you want her lips, you get her cheek
Makes you wonder where you are
If you want some more then she's fast asleep
you're just twinkling with the stars.

Poor young grandson, there's nothing I can say
You'll have to learn, just like me
And that's the hardest way, ooh la la
Ooh la la, la la, yeah

I wish that I knew what I know now
When I was younger.
I wish that I knew what I know now
When I was stronger.

This Day in History:

In 1542, Hernando de Soto died while looking for gold in the Mississippi river. This was shortly after he had told some of the natives that he had supernatural powers,a nd was immortal. Not on the best of terms with the locals, his body was immediately buried. THe grave raised the suspicions of the indians in the area, and fearing that the natives would discrace his body and dig him up, they promply dug him up themselves and dropped him into the Mississippi river in a Navy Burial.

In 1881, Clara Barton started the American Red Cross. So...now you know.

IS this whom you're thinking of?

Because if so, that'd be Clara Bow, and you'd be wrong. WRONG, I SAY!

In 1927, Charles Lindbergh landed in Paris France, after completing the 1st non-stop transatlantic flight from New York to Paris.

To quote the Writer's Almanac:

In order to keep the plane as light as possible, he redesigned it himself. He didn't take a radio, a parachute or any navigational equipment. He tore unnecessary pages from his flight journal, trimmed the margins from his maps, and only brought five sandwiches for food. Bystanders on the airfield tried to offer him rabbits' feet, wishbones, horseshoes, and even a kitten, but Lindbergh only accepted one gift, which was a St. Christopher's medal. He started down the runway at 7:51 a.m. on May 20, 1927. The gasoline tank was so heavy that he had trouble getting the plane into the air, and only cleared the telephone lines by twenty feet.

From the take-off in New York, he flew north over Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, navigating by checking maps against the landmarks he could see on the ground. After three hours of flying he began his first stage of the journey over the ocean, with no landmarks to help him find his way. He had decided that if he didn't see Nova Scotia when he expected to, he would turn back.

He had not gotten much sleep the night before, because of nerves and the reporters who had wanted to interview him, and he was terrified to find himself getting sleepy within the first few hours of the flight. He began to keep himself awake by routinely making notations in his log and taking a sip of water every few minutes. He reached Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, and then flew in toward the city of St. John's because he wanted people to know he'd gotten at least that far. People who saw his plane said they could almost read the serial number on the underside of the wing. It was the last land Lindbergh would see until he reached Ireland.

He turned east toward Europe just as night was falling. For the next fifteen hours, no one would know if he were alive or dead. People across America would later say that they stayed up thinking about Lindbergh that night, praying for his safety. The humorist Will Rogers wrote in his column, "No attempt at jokes today. A . . . slim, tall, bashful, smiling American boy is somewhere over the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where no lone human being has ever ventured before. . . . If he is lost it will be the most universally regretted loss we ever had."

After reaching the halfway point of his journey, Lindbergh's exhaustion began to disorient him. He later wrote, "It [seemed] impossible to go on longer. All I [wanted] in life [was] to throw myself down flat, stretch out—and sleep." In order to keep himself awake, he flew close enough to the water to feel the spray on his face. He began to hallucinate, and even saw a coastline before his calculations said that he should. When he flew toward it, the coastline vanished.

After more than twenty-four hours, Lindbergh spotted fishing boats on the water. He flew in toward them and shouted, "Which way is Ireland!" They didn't answer, or he couldn't hear their answer, so he flew on. He reached Ireland a few hours later, and turned south toward Paris.

As he approached the airfield where he was supposed to land, around 10:00 p.m., he was confused by the strange array of lights. He had to circle around awhile before he realized that the strange lights were cars stuck in traffic, people trying to get to the airfield to see the landing.

Lindbergh touched down at 10:24 p.m. on this day in 1927, thirty-three and a half hours after he'd taken off. About 150,000 people mobbed the landing strip in Paris, shouting, "Vive Lindbergh!" When he got out of his plane, the crowd picked him up and passed him over their heads, before he even had a chance to step on the ground. The American ambassador to France got him medical attention and took him to a hotel, where he finally got to lie down in bed. That night the ambassador sent a telegram to Lindbergh's mother that said, "Warmest congratulations. Your incomparable son has honored me by being my guest. He is in fine condition and sleeping sweetly."

He became one of the most famous men in the world overnight. Radio and newsreels were both new mediums at the time, and this was one of the first big stories for both. His image was captured on an estimated 7.4 million feet of newsreel film in the next three weeks. People in movie theaters who saw the first newsreels announcing his success burst into applause.

His achievement helped spur the aviation industry, as people began to pour money into airline stocks. Several songs were written about him and a dance called "The Lindy" was named after him. New York City gave him the largest ticker tape parade of all time, and he received the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Flying Cross.

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, "In the late spring of 1927, something bright and alien flashed across the sky. A young Minnesotan who seemed to have nothing to do with his generation did a heroic thing, and for a moment people set down their glasses in country clubs and speakeasies and thought of their old best dreams."

Lindbergh went on to write two books about the flight, including We (1927) and The Spirit of St. Louis (1953), which won a Pulitzer Prize for Biography.

In 1956, The United states dropped the first airborne hydrogen bomb over the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific, and had literally explosive results.

Since I mentioned the word "bikini", you KNEW this was gonna happen. So we may as well get it out of the way....

Becare not to stare too long, as you might go blind.

From the sun, that is.

Right, the sun......

Today's birthdays include Fairuza Balk, who has been acting since an early age, as she had been in "Return to Oz" as Dorothy. However, she wasn't really known until she played a teenage witch in a teen movie called "The Craft". Bad movie, but plenty of sights to keep your mind off of it.

Fairuza later went on to play Vicki Vallencourt in "The Waterboy" with Adam Sandler.

It also happens to be Mr T's birthday. THe "I pity da fool..." line is old, clichee'd and dead, and I prefer to remember him as Clubber Lang, because he made such a great bad guy in Rocky III, even if the movie itself wasn't so great.

Ah, what the heck. Happy Birthday, Mister T.


Kabbalah seems to be the new Scientology, at least as far as Hollywood is concerned. The most famous devotee would be Madonna, who seems to have recruited quite a few other celebs to the religion, including Britney Sprears and a few others.

If you find God through it, fine, but I hate the idea that they are treating religion as a fad. The best news I had heard in a long time was that Bitney Spears got a tatoo on the back of her neck that was supposed to read "New Era" in Hebrew. But she screwed up and now it doesn't mean anything. Fool!

Maybe it's because I've grown tired of Madonna, and her desire to be out in front of everyone, and be the latest in fashion and glamour and htis and that and the other. I admire what hse has been able to do with her life, but she isn't the girl she was in the early 90's. Now....the term "sea hag" comes to mind. And then I think of the old Popeye cartoons and laugh and the world doesn't seem to be as bad anymore.

But then there was this note on IMDB.com yesterday:

Superstar Madonna is poised to shock fans on her upcoming Re-Invention tour - by being "electrocuted" live on stage. The American Life singer is planning to make a series of bold statements in the controversial concerts, and has come up with a show that will make pal Britney Spears's raunchy Onyx Hotel tour look tame. As well as being "frazzled" in an electric chair, Madonna will also screen video footage of the corpses belonging to victims of the war in Iraq, perform sexy lesbian dance routines and have scantily-clad pregnant women dancing along to track "Papa Don't Preach." A source tells British newspaper the Sun, "This show will make people's hair stand on end. Madonna has pulled out all the stops to make it her most controversial yet. The electric chair scene is breathtaking. The concerts are really going to cause a stir on the same level as her Sex book and the Erotica album. But tempers have been frayed and she has been swearing every five minutes at the team putting the show together. The atmosphere is really fraught." Madonna's tour will begin in California next Monday.

Madonna is well past the point where she could surprise me. She's done the lesbian bit since the "Justify my love" video, and in the "Music" video to boot. There was the Britney Kiss episode, and all of the other drama that goes along with Madonna. She was starting to show her age as an act in the late 90's and hasn't shown me much since then to prove me wrong.

The lesbian thing just isn't shocking anymore. Well, wait. Let me correct that. Madonna as a lesbian isn't surprising anymore. While it's not a globally accepted way of life (see: current headline), it's gained alot of ground since the hush-hush days of my youth.

The electric chair bit is interesting cinema, and her making some controversial statements during the show might provide some entertainment, seeing how she plans on going from a serious commentary about fallen soldiers to "OK! Look at me! I'm sucking on another woman's breast!"

Final verdict on Madonna: Whatever and 2 Yawns.

Making a difference:

I was sitting down the other night with Bailey. Mom had taken the older 2 off to a play rehearsal (more on that in a moment), leaving me in charge of Bailey. Amazinglly, the wife still trusts me after the other day.

Well, she was playing on the living room floor, and I was sitting on the couch taking in the Twins and Blue Jays. In a moment of pure innocence, she tottled over to me, and asked in her little way to sit on my lap. I picked her up and sat her next to me where she cuddled in. It was a very small moment between us, but it was everything I needed right then. And then she made it better by excitedly pointing to the TV to shout "BASEBALL!"

So we watched the game togeather, sitting next to each other, until she drifted off to sleep. It was a small moment that held no signifigance, except for the fact that it meant everything to me at the time. I was proud that she was taking an interest in the things that I was interested in...that the values I was instilling were taking root.

But then it got even better.

The local community college puts togeather plays for kids to act in. They go from casting to curtain call all in one week. Monday was casting. They asked kids to act out little scenarios in order to see ho had the acting chops, and who would get what lines. According to the reports I received, Restory overwhelmed them with her performance, and tehy would have given her the narrator role had she been older. But because of the short amount of time and the # of lines for the narrator, they didn't feel that she'd be able to get them all. So instead she got a role with 9 lines.

Restory was quite proud of herself, and deservedly so. Kids from all over the community tried out and she got a prime speaking part in the play.

Well, her neighborhood friend Katie tried out as well, and only got 1 line. Katie also happens to be older than Restory, and the jealousy reared it's ugly head. Katie got quite upset, and was throwing a fit on the way home. Not exactly befitting a 5th grade girl, but what can you do?

Well, this is where Restory really shined. Even though this speaking part was everything that Restory wanted, and despite how much it meant to her to get it, she offered to give Katie her lines in order to make Katie happy. She was willing to give over what she had worked so hard for and had earned through her efforts, without a moments hesitation. It was one of the more magnanimous moments I had seen from her at any time, and made me feel more proud of her than I can put to words.

Here! Here was a lesson we as parents had always hoped that she would learn! Or any of the other girls for that matter. And she gave of herself, without any thought of her own need. She had performed this mitzvah (good deed) without any prodding or suggestion by anyone else.

There are moments that I doubt myself as a parent. Just about every parent does at one time or another. These are the moments that provide the balance...that re-assure me that I'm doing something right, and not bungling up their lives as it might seem. That sounds like I am saying I am proud of me, but I guess what I am trying to say is that I am proud of them.

That's it for today. I had meant to get to the Hometown Hotties, But I think I'll save that for tomorrow. The Saturday edition won't be too in-depth, but it'll be something at least.

Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Song of the Day:

The very thought of you
and I forget to do
The little ordinary things
that everyone ought to do
I'm living in a kind of daydream
I'm happy as a queen
And foolish though it may seem
to me that's everything
The mere idea of you
The longing here for you
You never know how slow the moments go
till I'm near to you
I see your face in every flower
Your eyes in stars above
it's just the thought of you
the very thought of you
my love
The mere idea of you
the longing hear for you
you never know how slow the moments go till I'm near to you
I see your face in every flower
your eyes in stars above
its just the thought of you
the very thought of you
my love

This Day in History:

In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled that "seperate but equal" racial segregation was a good thing. Well, they certainly enforced the seperate part, but the equal never really came to fruition until the Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka trial in 1954.

In 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted, leaving 57 people dead or missing. Mount St. Helens was unique, in taht because of it's composition, it did not erupt out the top like most volcanos...instead, one side of the mountain was considerably weaker than the top of the mountain,and the blast followed the path of least resistance, exploding katty-wompus-like.

In 1982, my grandmother was dying of cancer. Seeing as how time was running short, she arranged to head out to Tacoma, Washington. Along for the ride was my grandfather, my mother and myself. It was the first BIG trip that I remember in my life, being all of 6 years old. I don't remember much about my grandmother anymore, as time has faded and diminished her in my mind. BUt what I do remember is that while in Washington, we headed to Lost Lake, a mere stones throw from the mountain. Despite her weakened condition, she got up the strength to walk around the lake with me, and we collected ashes from Mt St. Helens found all around the lake edges. The ash was still warm at that time, and the memory is still a warm one for me.

It you'd like to learn more about Mt St Helens, contact or visit your local library. Or just click here.

Saturday Morning Scare:

Saturday, the wife and the oldest child have Religious school at the Synogogue. That left me at home with Anna (3 and 1/2 years old) and Bailey (1.5 years old). Hey, no big deal. We'll do breakfast, and then get dressed, and do whatever needs to be done. So we finish up with breakfast, and we look out the back window. Anna and Bailey, are suddenly thrilled beyond belief, since there are PUPPIES! In the backyard! They are running! They are jumping! They are cavorting, even!

Poor Anna and Bailey. Since Dad has grown up (at least by comparison), he has become calloused to the simple joys of seeing 2 dogs running about and playing with each other in the morning sun. Having seen it many more times in my life compared to them, it no longer fills my eyes with wonder as it does them. So it was with this in mind that I left them to gaze out the back patio door at the playful pups while I journeyed upstairs to find some suitable clothing for Bailey, beyond just the diaper she was wearing at the time.

I went upstairs to pick out an outfit for the youngest, but once I reached the top of the stairs, the sight of the restroom reminded me that it had been calling me for some time. So I stopped in to do my thing. That being finished, I left the bathroom a few minutes later a little more knowledgeable on NFL draft prospects, and a half pound lighter.

I came downstairs with an outfit for Bailey, only to find Anna walking BACK INSIDE from the front porch. SHe had gone outside without telling me.

Where were you?


Where's Bailey?



I don't know.

At this point, panic mode quickly sets in, since I've been through this with the previous children before. Restory was lost at the renissance Festival, and Anna had fallen asleep in restory's closet, unbeknownst to the rest of us, who were searching the neighborhood for her high and low.

Because of my experience with Anna, I quickly tore throughthe house looking for any sig that she might be inside. No sign of Bailey anywhere. The situation just got amazingly worse.

I ran out the front door in a frantic search for Bailey, unable to find her anywhere in the immediate area in the front of our home. I tore around the outside of the building to head and look around in the courtyard, looking for any sign of my little baby girl. Terrible, horrible visions flashed throug my mind as to what may have happened to her. Things that no parent ever wants to consider crep into your thought process when your children are missing.

We live in a townhome complex, and the Neighborhood Nanny lives just down the way. So do a # of other families with children Baileys age. Perhaps she headed in that direction. I sprinted toward their homes just in time to see 2 Community Service Officers headed in my direction. Sure enough, they were holding a crying baby in their arms. Bailey was safe! According to the officers, she said that she wanted to see the puppies she ahd seen playing earlier. On the verge of tears, I thanked the officers profusely, shook their hands, and they promptly wrote down my name, address, and phone #...presumably to send Social Services to rescue my children from me. No no no...they were much to nice for them to do such a thing. And even so, it was an innocent mistake.
Still, I chided Anna all the way back inside for going out without telling me, and myself for not locking the door to keep the children from escaping.

Portland OR Baseball:

Over the weekend, it was announced that Portland OR legislature has approved financing for a new stadium to be built there. This was done with the idea in mind to lure the Montreal Expos to town. However, should the Expos go to Northern Virginia as rumored, it would work just as well for any other team looking for a new home, such as The Oakland A's, or the Florida Marlins. Or even our own Minnesota Twins. In fact, the one stumbling block for Portland is the fact that they don't yet have a primary owner to foot the bill for the team and it's payroll and such.

Meanwhile, the Twins have an owner paying the bills, but no stadium deal to ensure the team's viability. If Carl Pohlad (owner of the Twins) can't get hisstadium here....amd sees one waiting for him in Portland... there isn't much reason for him NOT to take the deal. And while the local fans may not like it, I have to say that since I'm headed to Portland myself, I am not as against the idea as I normally would be. But that's the selfish part of me coming out.

Anyway, enough talking.

Ali Landry, people. Give her a hand.

Now stop that....I said a HAND, not THAT!


The Timberwolves find themselves at home for game 7 of a series against an opponent that is as talented as they are. In the previous round, they faced a team that they were clearly more talented than, and were expected to win. this time around, the Kings have given them everything they could handle. Maybeeven more than they could handle. And then things got ugly.

Anthony Peeler, former Timberwolf, took exception to the normal pushing and shoving of a playoff game, and took the oppurtunity to bury his elbow into Garnett's solar plexus in the 3rd quarter. It was enough to knock down Garnett to the floor and knocked the wind out of him. He was able to gather himself up on the next possesion, where he gritted his teeth and firmly but somewhat playfully gave Peeler some forearm of his own. IN retaliation, Peeler hauled off and hit Garnett in the jaw, inciting a skirmish before cooler heads prevailed.

Now, some of the guys at ESPN were actually saying that Garnett made a huge mistake by not fighting back,and "being a man" about the situation. If he had fought back, he would have been toseed from the game (still winable at the time) and owuldhave been tossed from Game 7 as well, if there were a Game 7. OR, worse yet, he would have been lost for 2 games of the Laker series.

SO you're telling me that it's better that he act macho and get thrown out of the game and retaliate against Peeler instead of keeping his cool, and make Peeler pay by beating the Kings to move onto the second round? Too much New Enland/Boston bravado coming through on that one. I admit that I'm a garnett apologist, but the Timberwolves stand a better chance in ANY playoff game with Garnett than without him. He showed me more by not giving in to the emotion than he would have going for revenge.

Think about this. You're Rick Adelman,a nd you tell Peeler in a round-about way to pick a fight with Garnett, and get him to fight back. the Kings losing Peeler for a game or two would hurt, but not as much as the Wolves losing Garnett. Without Garnett, the Wolves are done.

I respect Bill Simmons most of the time, but this time around he's way off.

HOmetown Hotties:

Round 1 is over. The winners for week 10 will be announced, and we'll look at the winners for each week,a nd come up with a pre-cursory look at the final 100 later this week. the next round will take place in the August Issue of Maxim, and I'll pledge to my readers to pick up that copy, and let you know how it's going down so far.

Until then, here's more of Ali....

Have a good night.

Friday, May 14, 2004

This day in History:

In 1643, Louis XIV became king of France at age 4, since his father learned the bad luck of the #13. (He was Louis the 13th....)

In 1804, the Lewis and Clark expidition left St Louis. We've covered them in the past, though. Heck with them fellers.

Pic of the week:

Hometown Hotties, Week 10:

OK, this week's picks are run down like this:

Row 1: Melissa TN
Row 2: Martina AZ
Row 3 Megan CA Trina AL
Row 4 Bricen FL Stephanie MO Kristen CA Brenda Lyn CA and Nanette of PR
row 5 Candy of CA
Row 6 Jennifer of FL
Row 7 Denise of IL
Row 8 Rhea of TX Carolina of TX
Row 9 Sara of NY Amanda HI Alicia NY
Row 10 Erica of FL Danielle of OH Alison of DE Heaheron of NC

There was SOME quality, but nowhere near what last week was. There's 21 girls listed, but some I've listed that I know I'm going ot eliminate. Anyway, let's work our way through it.

Melissa of TN haqs a fantastic rump, nice legs, and a pretty smile. Not the bustiest of women, but that's not a complaint. Her first job was "Cad design for Stanley Tools". Great, the exact opposite of what you'd want as a girlfriend. A girl who plays with tools all day at work, and no time for yours at home. Still, it makes me think of the old days and the Snap-On calenders....

But I digress.

Martina of AZ is next up, and has spot #1 of the top 10, thanks to a killer body, and she "need(s) affection, so be prepared to cuddle all the time." This is a trick spot, since "cuddle" means different things to the male population than it does to women. For men, "cuddle" means that we will lay down next to each other in close proximity, thus increasing the chances for hanky panky. For women, it's just the laying down side by side kinda thing.

Women and their crazy ideas!

Megan of Ca is cute. The cuteness is ratchted up a few notches to sexy when she wears lingerie, but it's not enough to push her into the top 10. Sorry, Megan.

Trina of AL has a nice bosom. Her face seems to be locked in a pemament scowl, however,a nd she ruined everything by posing with a Canadian flag. Automatic disqualification! This is the only time that women should pose with a Canadian flag.

Bricen of Fl is up next, and she has a pretty face, a healthy chest, and no deductions from the panel. Good enough to earn spot # 2 in the top 10. Her favorite team is the Gamecocks. No lie.

Stephanie of MO is very pretty, but looks all of maybe 16 years old. While that might fly in Missouri, I live in Minesota,and prefer my women to be 20 and older.

Kristen of CA used to sell corn and fruit on a stand on the side of a highway here in Minnesota. I know this only because she says so. And to be honest, I gave her extra points for coming from Minnesota, and it's just not enough to get her any further. NEXT!

Brenda Lyn in CA has caused me to re-adjust my sitting position. She is a latin singer, who grew up "fat and a tomboy". Well, I dunno about the tomboy part, but she still PHAT. Love the skirt in picture #1. Brenda is girl #3 of the top 10 for this week.

Nanette doesn't give us much information about herself, other than that she is from Puerto Rico, and she is a journalist who used to be a model. I would love to share notes with her sometime, but alas, she's married. Either way, she's Girl #4.

Candy of CA is automatically cut. The only real reason that I included her was because she reminded me of one of my favorite scenes from "The Highlander". the bad guy, "Kurgan", is staying at a hotel, and a prostitute walks in to say "Hi, I'm Candy". And Kurgan replies "Of course you are."

Funny stuff. You had to be there. Either way, Candy is gone.

Jennifer of FL faces our anel of judges, and I don't knwo why she was in this group. She's pretty, but she doesn't stand out like the others. She has the potential, but this is your 1 shot at it, and there just isn't enough there to go off of.

Denise of IL is up next, and she has the fact that she is from Chicago going for her, and the fact she's part Puerto Rican. (I like Puerto Rican women. ) Picture # 2 does her no justice however, and it was almost enough to knock her out, but with a weak field, she's able to stick, with a very very good shot at one of the last 6 spots. We'll put her on hold for the moment.

Rhea of TX just made it alot harder to make the squad, because she got spot # 5. While young in appearance, she certainly an adult, and picture #2 shows that she sent in something racy enough to force the editors to crop the photo quite a bit. How can I be sure? Well, it's a leap of faith.

Carolina of TX is up next, and she has spot #6, because she has a pair of the longest legs I've seen in this competition. That, and she's hot. Bonus points for being from Argentina. Hooray for us!

Sara of NY has a terrible swimsuit top, but I'm able to see past that (meaning that I can ignore it, not that I can actually see through it; I wish!) since she herself is so very nice. Especially teh 3rd picture, which shows wha a nice tush she has. Spot # 7 is spoken for.

Amanda of HI is up next, and has some very nice legs herself, and she seems to take some pride in them. Her first job was a pee wee b-ball coach. My coaches NEVER looked like that, and if they had, I wouldn't have learned anything anyway. But if it came down to her or Denise of IL I'd have to go Denise of IL, because of the exotic flavor.

No matter what happens though, Alicia of NY is out. Pretty, but she's not going to beat out Amanda or Denise. That, and she makes me uncomfortable with the "minute man" comment.

Erica of FL has some amazing photos, and a pretty amazing bosom as well. Picture # 3 borders on showing nipple, but I can't make it out, and I stared for hours. But there's something about her face that seems a bit too harsh that forces me to let her go. I hate doing it to, since she ahs a thing for guys with shaved heads, much like your Daily Update writer. Which is to say that I have a shaved head...NOt that I ahve a thing for guys with shaved heads.

Never mind.

Shut up.

Danielle of OH earns her own spot. I'm a little turned off by the fact that she included the cars in the pictures, because she doesn't nee a car to make her look any better. For me, cars don't offer much excitemnet. I'm more interested in the ride she can give me. Spot # 8 is now reserved for Danielle.

Alison of DE has an amazing body, and amazing eyes. This is a done deal, follks. SHe's got spot # 9 all to herself. She is a model, a student, and a MAID! A maid? A maid. A maid! Everybody ought to have a maid! Everybody ought to have a serving girl! A loyal and unswerving girl, who's quieter than a mouse! (A little bit of "A funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" humor there for you.

Heatheron in NC is pretty, but looks a little strung out in pic #2. Pic 3 uses a great photo trick, highlighting her blue jeans, leaving everythign else black and white. Sorry Heatheron, but it wasn't enough to advance you.

So that leaves spot # 10 for Denise in IL.

And that's all we have for this week. I'm sorry it couldn't have been more...unfortunately that danged thing called work got in the way. We'll try more this Monday.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Song of the Day:
It's hot here at night, lonely, black and quiet
On a hot summer night
Don't be afraid of the world we made
On a hot summer night

'Cause when a long-legged lovely walks by
Yeah you can see the look in her eye
Then you know that it's

Hot! in the city,
hot! in the city tonight, tonight
Hot! in the city,
hot! in the city tonight, tonight

That Day (Monday) in history:

In 1774, Louis XVI took over the Throne of France. Louis was very important in supporting the revolutionists during the Revolutionary War. It was Louis the XVi that payrolled much of the costs for America to become the nation that it was. And in doing so, he bankrupted his own country, leading to his own death by guillotine in 1793. See? Some French people aren't so bad....

In 1775, Ethan Allen captured the British Forces at Fort Ticonderoga NY, with a little help from the Green Lantern. Err, I take that back. It was the Green Mountain boys. THe Green Lantern was trying to stay neutral throughout the war. Ethan Allen, meanwhile, would go on to sell high priced furniture to pretentious people throughout the land...a practice that still is in place today!

(Note: A lingerie chest is NOT what you think it is. Turns out it's a tall wooden box with drawers to hold you unmentionables. Hurry! It's on sale for ONLY $1959.00! For a price like that, it etter come fully stocked with lingerie. If it doesn't, feel free to go here to find some. )

This Day (Tuesday) in History:

In 1858, Minnesota became the 32nd state in the union. The nation's unnofficial home of lutefisk dinners to be held in church basements and Jell-o molds was finally established.

In 1904, Salvador Dali was born. Dali is best known for the "melting clocks" painting, and other rather absurd paintings, but there is a method to his madness. One of my own favorites is this one:

Still, others prefer something a little closer to mainstream...

And some prefer to skip Dali altogeather,and go straight for Photography....

It's all in the eye of the beholder.

Happy Birthday!

Oh, you don't get away that easily, E. You thought it had passed me by, hadn't you? That I had missed it? Or that I had forgotten? No no no.

I remembered.

Hopefully, you got everything you wanted on your birthday.


Gas prices are absolutely insane. $2 per gallon makes me consider the value of a good bicycle, and my overall health. Say what you want about the war and oil prices and so forth, but the station owners will never lose the sterotype image of greedy cash monsters ripping and clawing at your wallet. At least, not this way. The Electric car can't come soon enough. It's going to get to the point where you're better off getting a 6 pack of Leinie's and dumping that in your tank instead of gasoline, just to save a couple bucks.

I know I know. Easy rant. Next up: Airline food. But as much as I try to avoid the old fogey impersonation, the less I am able to do it. I remeber only a few years ago, when there were TV reports about how people were trying to find alternate methods to get to work, to avoid having to pay a buck thirty-five at the pump. Now, a station selling gas at that price would be swamped. Old women would break out the crystal punch bowls to fill with gasoline at that price. Gas keeps going up, along with healthcare, while my paycheck remains the same. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that something ain't right.

The system is straining as it is, and it's gonna break. And soon. BUt before it does, there's gonna be alot of people suffering beforehand.

Hometown Hotties Week 10:

Oy, it's a bad bad week. Last week I had proposed the theory that Maxim was holding back for a week of greatness. Instead, it looks as though they've got a bunch of stand-ins for week 10. It'll be slim pickens for week 10. IN fact, I'm gonna hold off until later in the week before I go picking anyone out, just to give myself some more time to work.

Victory Sports Demise

See, Victory Sports was supposed to be another revenue stream for the Twins, so that they could keep some of their own players from leaving. But when it threatened the possibility of their bigger project, a new stadium, they had to can the cable channel. It's forced the Twins to lay off a bunch of employees of Victory Sports, since the games are now going to be broadcast on Fox Sports Net. The average fan is happy to be able to see the games, which they should. However, the loss of Victory Sports by the Twins will force them to let go of some popular vetrans, like Corey Koskie and Jaque Jones and Brad Radke. All of which, coincedentally, are free agents at the end of this year.

I'm as happy as the next Twins fan that I can finally see the games on TV. But I'm not so blind to the fact that it's going to cost us quality players in the long run. So what's my point?

I've got 2 of them.

1. Enjoy this team while it lasts, because there's some big changes coming at the end of this season....if not sooner should they falter.

2. I don't wanna hear any whining and complaining from Twins fans about how we're gonna lose these players to free agency.


A friend of mine died yesterday. He was on his way to work, when he was involved in an accident. The driver of a semi lost control, went across the median and hit him on his motorcycle. He was 26 years old.

To be honest, I'm inflating our relationship. We weren't friends. We talked a bit at work, but we never actually got a chance to hang out. But I like to think that we could have been friends, given enough time. And while I mourn his loss, I also mourn the loss of what could have been. That seems selfish; mourning my own lost oppurtunity..unless you realize how special he was. I'm jealous of those that knew him better, whether it be other co-workers or friends or family.

I like to think that I'm of above-average intelligence, but I paled in comparison to him. He was a genius at so many things, and a sharp sophisticated wit, and yet wasn't above a good episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. He was humble as well, good looking...I'm sure he had his faults, but I'll be damned if I can think of any.

And then I realize that it wasn't yesterday he died; it was last August. Today isn't special in any real way. It's not his birthday or the aniversary of his death. I don't need a specific day to remember Ryan. I remember him every day. And if he had such an impact on my life in such little time togeather, I can only imagine how his family must feel.

To my friend....may the best things in life await you on the other side.

Friday, May 07, 2004

Song of the Day:
Oh well I'm the type of guy who will never settle down
Where pretty girls are well, you know that I'm around
I kiss 'em and I love'em 'cause to me they're all the same
I hug 'em and I squeeze 'em they don't even know my name
They call me the wanderer yeah the wanderer
I roam around around around...

Oh well there's Flo on my left and there's Mary on my right
And Janie is the girl with that I'll be with tonight
And when she asks me which one I love the best
I tear open my shirt I got Rosie on my chest
'Cause I'm the wanderer yeah the wanderer
I roam around around around...

Oh well I roam from town to town
I go through life without a care
'Til I'm as happy as a clown
With my two fists of iron and I'm going nowhere

This Day in History:

IN 1915, German U-boats sunk the english ship Lusitania, killing 1201passengers, and leaving 764 people as survivors.

In 1994, "The Scream" by Edvard Munch was recoverd, after having been stolen from an Oslo, Norway museum. It makes you so mad you could just.....

Ok, enough fun.

Actually, no, it's not, since this is all supposed to be fun!!

Birthday's today include Traci Lords...funny enough. We mention her the other day, and all of a sudden it's her birthday. Post a picture? Well, if I thought I could find one that wasn't complete nudity, no problem. We'll leave teh picture of her out fo now, but we WILL take a poll.(Shut up.)

Traci Lords as a blonde or brunette?

Word of the Day:
gambol , intransitive verb:
To dance and skip about in play; to frolic.

Potty Training

The youngest of my 3 daughters has begun potty training, which is KIND OF a good thing. She's also the earliest of any of them to go through it, since the others took their time about it. And before any of you get the wrong idea, it's not US pushing her....she WANTS to do this.

It's amazing how much the presence of siblings encourages the younger ones to grow up. My guess is that Bailey is doing it because her 2 older sisters are doing it. Because of the example that they set, she follows suit. So now she comes to us with worried eyes, firmly declaring "Daddy, poohp!" So you drop whatever you're doing to prop her onto the toilet, sit and read books for 15 minutes while you wait for the moment (amongst other things) to pass. Boring work, but it allows for some time to re-enforce our family hatred of the Green Bay Packers, so all is not lost.

As a dad, it's an undescribable feeling to see how Bailey reveres her older sisters, particularly Anna. Anna is closer in age, so they have a little more in common. Anna, meanwhile, looks up to Restory, even though she intentionally picks fights with her from time to time. I'm afraid of them growing apart when they get older, and I'm no longer around. But some things you have to have faith about.

Anyway, Bailey has a well-documented allergy to dairy products. But as she has grown, it isn't anywhere near severe as it was before. This is dangerous territory, because her initial reaction to all things dairy was for her lips to blow up like some desperate Hollywood star looking for a collagen treatment. There was real concern that it was life-threatening. So she's done without milk and cheese and ice cream,and all of that for most of her life. And milk and dairy is a fantastic source of fat for kids to help them put on the weight they need, not to mention calcium for bone structure and so forth.

But if she IS starting to balance out a bit to where she can have some dairy... that could open up a new world for her. The only problem is that her reactions ahve changed to dairy. She doesn't break out as much as she used to. INstead, she gets some really tough constipation, which is pretty danged rough on an 18 month old kid just being introduced to the potty. Listening to your child whine and cry over the pain, shouting "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" over and over again becomes really unsettling. But it's not like clearing a clog in the garbage disposal, where you can just hit a switch, a nd everything is better again. Nor can you reach in and pull out the offending material. You have to trust that nature and gravity will work for them as it does for you.

And for all of you who DON'T have kids....the above is reason # 3,486 that you don't want to.

Spiderman on the basepaths

Since baseball has killed their plans on using 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as advertising space for Spiderman 2...there doesn't need to be anything said on this subject. But I'm going to anyway.

Yes, baseball has sold it's soul. THat was readily apparent years and years ago, however, so it's no big surprise. Asinine, but not surprising. There isn't a commisioner of baseball who is above the owners protecting the game from themselves, so it quite literally is the inmates running the asylum. (Mmmm, Juicyfruit. )

The marketing idea was idiotic on a grand porportion, and it wasn' until after they told the public they realized how stupid it was.

Well, I take that back. George Steinbrenner told them that he wasn't doing it for actual games at Yankee Stadium. Maybe for batting practice, but that was it.

-----SIDEBAR: Who the hell cares about the bases during batting practice?! Which is probably why George said waht he said, but still. Ok. Back to our show.

Now, there have been some people who are applauding George for having the moral conviction from allowing this to happen, as though he were the lone voice of reason amongst the owners; quite an alarming role reversal from the norm. But before you go patting Steinbrenner on the back too much, let's make one thing clear: George wasn't doing it for the greater good fo baseball, he was doing it for the greater good of the Yankees, and ultimately George Steinbrenner. It just so happened that the best thing for the Yankees also happened to be the best thing for the rest of baseball. That particular synergy rarely happens.

See, George knows that a major part of the Yankees success -whether it be on the field or financially-- has to do with their tradition, and mystique and aura. They play in "THe House that Ruth Built", for cripes sake. There's Monument Hill out there in the outfield. Even George can see that all of that would be tarnished by slapping a sticker on the bases in order to promote a summer flick that may or may not suck.

The Colorado Rockies and other teams don't have that sort of image to tarnish, so it makes no difference to them. For them or the Marlins or Angels, it's just un-used space that may as well get used for SOMETHING, so why not make a buck or two while they are at it.

But for the Yankees, it'd be like building a 7-11 on an Indian Burial Ground, or pee-ing on the Alamo. Some things JUST AREN'T DONE.

SO go ahead and give Steinbrenner credit for doing the right thing, but don't think that it's for any sort of altruistic traditionalist baseball patriotism. It's just his constant love for the money.

Hometown Hotties Week 9:

Have we got your attention? this is where I pay you back for reading through poop stories.

There's only one week left after this week, and more than likely we've already seen the winner, just based on odds. Then again, Maxim might be holding back for a huge splurge for week 10. Which just goes to show that I know nothing what I am talking about, and I'm too tired to write a decent intro to this piece.

Showing my amazing resolve, I was able to keep my original pare-down list to 24 girls out of the original 25. Not bad. As always, there were girls that had made the list without a doubt (Brittany of GA), girls who made the list but I knew I was going to end up cutting at some point (Colleen of NV), girls who just barely missed the cut (Kathleen of CA), girls that never stood a chance(Michelle of NY ), and women who just don't get it (Juliet of TX). IN fact, Juliet is example #1 of a tattoo that's too much. A little dolphin, or a turtle holding onto a diver down flag, or a rose....fine. BUt Juliet's full torso faux bra thing....yuck. That is going to look horrible after the first baby. And a tatoo like that screams "I live in a trailer, and have sent in a request to be on the Jerry Springer show." Chances of her having 5+ kids or alternately strung out on crack? Greater than 50/50.

I think that's the hardest I've ever attacked any of the girls who submitted a picture. And for good reason. I thought the tattoo for Erin of NE from week 1 was the worst I had seen (and how she ended up being one of the week 1 winners, I can't say) up until I had seen Juliet's. Run away Romeo. Run fast, run far, Run Silent, Run Deep. Run Lola Run. A Run run run run runaway. Ok, I'm stuck. And link happy. New paragraph.

(singing to self "I wa-wa-wa-wa-wonder.....")

Today's list includes Anika of CA, San San of CA, and Kiberly of CA in Row 1.

Row 2: Jayde of CA and Ria of CA. I'm seeing a trend here.

Row 3: Natalie of SC, and Jennifer of CA.

Row 4: Dorothy of CA Kyzandrha of FL.

Row 5: Shana of NC.

Row 6: Heather of PA, Colleen of NV and Vanessa of GA.

Row 7: Kelly of OH, Julie of MI, and Lorelen of CA.

Row 8: Michelle of MI and "Mambo!" of CA.

Row 9: Madison of NV, Amy of MO, Jessica of WA, and Jezabel of CA. (Hmmm, yes...)

Row 10: Brittany of GA and Nikki of SC.

So since we already know that Colleen of NV needs to be cut, let's get the unpleasantness out of the way now.

23 girls for 10 spots. Oh, but we mentioned that Brittany of GA was a lock too. That means 22 girls for 9 spots.

It should probably be noted at this point that all of the women left (including Colleen of NV, even though we just cut her) are all beautiful girls. I am reduced to finding the most miniscule of reasons for cutting girls, since details count at this level. I feel like a little girl (shut up) forced to choose 1 kitten from a whole litter of baby cats. It's hard to pick just one pussy. Or is it that you can't eat just one? No, wait. That's potato chips. Or is it? I forget. (The call me the wanderer, yeah the wanderer...I roam around from topic to topic....)

You know what? I take that back. Jayde of CA fooled me with her big breasts. I'm cutting her loose. Jennifer of CA is pretty, but never smiles once in her pictures. It's no fun if the girl isn't having any fun. (And that applies to LOTS of different topics. ) Kyzandrha of FL is cut since she didn't smile, and because her name is so hard to spell. Like I said...looking at tiny tiny issues. Shana of NC is also cut, though I can't give a real reason why. I like the cat suit in picture #3, but at the same time, I don't like the stripe of holes on the sides...stupid reason, but it's my reasoning.

19 girls. 9 spots. Julie of MI is out. I hate myself.

18 girls. "Mambo!" is hot, but her name is "Mambo!" That is a no no. And while hot, there are hotter.

17....Amy of MO is cut, because the 3rd picture isn't great, but the others rocked. Like a chair in a nursery. Sorry Amy. I suck.

16 girls....Jessica of WA is an "entertainer", according to her bio. And in her 3rd picture, she's got chaps on, while sitting at a bar on a saddle. SHe MIGHT be sitting on the saddle HORN, but I can't tell very well. These factors increase the likelyhood of me contracting a venereal disease. Not that it would happen, but the risk level rises.....sorry Jessica. If it makes you feel better, I'll cut you because you have the same name as a former girlfriend.

15! Hey, it's almost a manageable number! San San of CA says goodbye, bringing it down to 14. Why? Well....the entire "San San" thing for one, and while I enjoyed the tan lines (Careful with that one) in pic 2, I hated the outfit in pic 1. Yes, I'm shallow. Like an abandoned kiddie pool in the middle of Arizona in August.

So we're at 13...right? 4 to cut? Dang.

Ok, Madison of NV is cut, because she's got quite a bit of makeup on, which takes away from her, but she's got an exotic blend to her (wtf? It's not like she's coffee or something?!), and it kills me to let her go. Nikki of Sc didn't do anything wrong, other than put a bit too much make-up around the eyes, but other than that she was HHHHHHHOT. She didn't even have any belly button bling bling.

11, with 2 to go.....Kimberly of CA, we'd love to give you a parting gift, but we're married and that would imply adultery, so....sorry. I'll beat myself (shut up) for it later.

Dorothy reminds me of Cheryl Crow in a good way, and I would hate to cut her becaue I am strong enough to be her man.....Vanessa of GA is very hot and appears to be into football and a blonde which I normally don't choose very often....normally a name like Jezebel would cause me to hit the purge button, but.....there's something cool about having a Jezebel for a girlfriend. That's probably the southern hick in me coming out.

"Southern hick? But you're from North Dakota? The hick part I can see, but SOUTHERN hick?"

Shut up.

Her bio says that some people compare her to Jasmine from Aladdin. Well, that just destroyed Aladdin. Now I want to get it on with a cartoon character. Well, her and Jessica Rabbit.....uh......let's move along.


Ok, Ria gets a spot, Natalie of SC gets a spot, Vanessa of GA gets a spot, Lorelen of CA gets a spot, and could put your eyes out if you aren't careful. Wow. So 5 spots taken. Michelle of MI, take your spot.

Ok, Kelly of OH is cut, for the no smile offense....and my knuckles hurt from being slapped with a big ruler.

Would you believe 12"? Would you believe 8"?

SHUT UP. We'll see you next week. Here's something to go out on....

er, with....


Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Song of the Day:

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I'm going to pack my things and go
Touch me baby, tainted love
Touch me baby, tainted love
Touch me baby, tainted love

Bonus Song of the Day:

Me mind on fire
Me soul on fire
Feeling HOT HOT HOT!
Party people
All around me
feeling HOT HOT HOT!

This Day in History:

In 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte died after being exiled for hte second time, this time to St. Helena.

IN 1862, The Mexican People who were loyal to Benito Juarez defeated French troops sent by Napoleon the 3rd. Now, it's just a reason for a bunch of people to get drunk, even if maye...MAYBE 5% know the reason behind the holiday. The French were a little pissed because of the loss, so they sent so many troops that they overwhelmed the Mexican army, and occupied Mexico for another 5 years or so. Finally they gave up, pulled the troops out, and went home, but not before they wasted alot of time, money, and people in a losing cause.

In 1925, John Scopes was arrested for teaching the Theory of Evolution. People didn't like the idea that JUST MAYBE God's method of creating man was by way of Monkey evolution. As far as I am concerned, it's alot better than evolving from reptiles, as was foretold by the classic 1980's mini-series.

(You know it's a good update when I can workin an obtuse referrence like that one. ) (Well, that and the lack of typo's, but you and I BOTH know that ain't gonna happen. )

And yes, that's the best spin I can put on the Theory of Evolution bit.

In 1955, a musical opened on Broadway called "Damn Yankees". And here you thought something like that would premier in Boston....

In 1994, American teenager Michael Fay took 4 for the team across the backside for being a stupid teenage kid performing vandalism in Singapore. Originally, the caning was scheduled for 6 swats, but they worked it down to 4. Those expecting a link to a web page with Kevin Bacon saying "Thank you sir, may I have another" are very, very, sick individuals.

Today also marks the birthday of one Lance Henriksen, best known for his role as Bishop in the Aliens movie. He is 64 today. He had a series on Fox for awhile that I wanted to get into, but was never home when it was on.

A quick scan of his work shows a developing project that all Aliens fans like myself can only hope for..."Alien vs. Predator". Were I 14 years old again, i would be bouncing up and down in my seat in anticipation for this movie. Man, I hope this movie doesn't disappoint.

Also celebrating a birthday today is Danielle Fishel. As some of you might remember, Danielle is an old Daily Update favorite, thanks to some work she did on a show called "Boy Meets World".

Danielle has a new project of her own, called The Chosen One, that coincedentally also includes Lance Henriksen. Apparently it's an animated film, where a man finds himself at the whim of Gods. Also adding their voice talents is Tim Curry, Deborah WIlson of Mad TV fame, and Traci Lords. I think we all know where her fame came from.

Today is NOT Jonny Depp's birthday, but I thought I'd throw him in there out of fairness.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:
"A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!". - (Act V, Scene IV) --King Richard III

Word of the Day:

abstruse, adjective:
Difficult to comprehend or understand.

Wedding Day F.U.B.A.R.

8am Saturday morning found your own Daily Update writer boiling 36 lbs of chicken, which was to be shredded in time for a wedding at 2pm. OK. No problem. The wife was required to take the Mother of the Bride to get her hair done, and they would return "later". Ok. No problem.

11am rolls around however, and I still have 2 pans full of chicken to shred. I am a sweaty mess from standing over a boiling pot, or hot chicken shredding. I'm in a panic, forgo-ing the forks in favor of my hands, desperate to make them work faster, while I stand in my pajamas from that early 8am rise. The children have all bathed, but the youngest is screaming for a bottle and is having severe seperation anxiety, the middle child running around completely naked, and the oldest is in her play clothes (as requested, since we did not want to get the dresses dirty.) Add to it the fact that the father of the bride wants me to drive the limo over to the church, so he doesn't have to. I get a call from the church. the girls need to be there by noon, for pictures.

This involves making myself presentable for public viewing, packa diaperbag, getting the girls dressed and primped, not to mention that I'm now required to do hair...HAIR!!! for all 3 girls.... a complete NON-DAD thing to do. In short....I am S-C-R-E-W SCREWED.

Thankfully, a neighbor was able to ride to the rescue and take the chicken shredding duties off of my hands, but not before I wasted a good 15 minutes racing around the house trying to accomplish everything and in the process accomplishing NOTHING.

ONce the chicken was addressed, I got another call from the church. Just bring the kids as-is to the church, and they would handle the dressing and the brushing,and the primping for me! Huzzah! So I throw the kids into whatever clothing I can find, without paying much attention to what it actually is, and the 3 year old helps by getting herself dressed. I run the kids out to the car, strap them in, run back into thehouse and grab their dresses and shoes and socks and hair supplies, and pack them into the car. Ok we're set to go. All we have to do is start up the car and go.

But where's the keys?



SO now I'm runnning around the house frantically while the kids are waiting in the car, and I can't find what I did with the #&*@#$ keys! Living room gets torn apart, dining room, bathroom...nothing. The wife walks in, returned from her mission, and immediately puts things to order. The oldest 2 are loaded into the limo with their dresses and supplies, while the youngest has fallen asleep, thanks in part to a major need for a nap. the keys are found for the van shortly after they leave, and the wife runs over any other supplies or items needed for the wedding, giing me time to take care of the 3 S's.

From that point on, the wedding was fantastic and uneventful. We enjoyed tostadas at the dinner afterwards (with shredded chicken), and good company. The father of the bride even asked me to drive the limo to take the happy couple to their hotel, as he thought it would be uncomfortable taking his own daughter to her honeymoon. And seeing as how I had no big present to give, I was honored to help in any way that I could.

We drive downtown to the Holiday Inn Metrodome, where the reservation was at, and I escorted the bride and groom in, as to help get them checked in. Only a small issue. The reservation wasn't there at all. Turns out (we would not find out until 24-48 hours later) the reservation was at ANOTHER Holiday INN. But we didn't know that then, and our bride (determined not to have her wedding day ruined by this) still was none too pleased that the reservation wasn't there. Rather than simply accept another standard Holiday Inn room for the place to begin their lives togeather, she opted to find a better location.

Enter the fine people at The Grand Hotelin Minneapolis. Upon finding the hotel downtown (an hour nad a half affair which can't be SOLELY blamed on the driver....), I left the couple alone in the limosine to amuse themselves while I checked on the availability of a suitable boudoir. Not only did they have a room suitable for a honeymoon, but it was more grandiose than one might get at a Holiday inn (yes, yes, I know...DUH!). Marble floors, marble tub with a color TV built in...heck they had a brochure just for that room. And it was bigger than the brochure displayed it! It was only $149 per night, plus tax.

We only had $300. flat. Hmm....

Well, they should be able to pick up the additional cash when it comes time to check out. They also required a credit card.

The Bride had no credit card. The groom had no credit card.

The limo driver HAS a credit card!! It would be used only to hold the room, as the cash would take care of the room itself. Besides, after the problems we ahd dealt with so far in the day, a little thing like that wasn't going to derail us.

The bride was beside herself with glee at the thought of being able to stay at their opulent hotel, and I was happy that I could have contributed even the smallest part in their happiness that day.

Congradulations to Heidi and Hector Estrada. May your marriage deepen each year, like the rivers that forge the Grand Canyon.

And thanks to Margieaux the Concierge and Jose the Bellhop for making things seemless at The Grand Hotel.

Monday Night Football is going over a bit of a shift, with the "re-assignment" of Lisa Guerrero, who proved week in and out that she just didn't have the chops to do the meaningless sideline interviews before and after halftime, or after the game for that matter.

In her place will be Minnesota gal Michelle Tafoya, who's done the sideline bit for the NBA, WNBA, and a bunch of other venues. While not quite the eye candy that Lisa Guerrero was, she'll bring more credentials to the position, and it's nice to see someone form Minnesota involved on such a prominent show like Monday Night Football.

In the end, though, it doesn't really matter. The sideline reports are again meaningless. They add little value to the viewer. I don't know why they continue with it, but to each their own.

Good bye Lisa......

Hello Michelle.

(That's her on the left. )

We'll provide more tomorrow or Friday, including our weekly check in on Hometown Hotties. Have a good night everyone.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I was in the midst of creating a post to be proud of, and whence I returned to my computer after a meeting, it was gone completely. My work destroyed, I've given up to sulk and recover tomorrow, where I will provide the best I can.

Sometimes you eat the shark, and sometimes the shark turns into Boy George trying to eat you.

Or some stupid saying. Who knows. Shut up!

Ok, that was mean. A picture like that should come with some sort of warning label, about graphic displays not being suitable for children under 14, and people who value their sense of sight, heart problems, or women who are or who may become pregnant are strongly encouraged to avert their eyesight someplace else.

But when all that you have lovingly formed and crafted with your own hands gets obliterated....well you get irritated.

Here. my apologies.

More tomorrow.

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