
Monday, November 29, 2004

There are times when I wonder if it would be better if my wife did not have a job, if only to have a voice or reason around to keep me from doing some of the stuff I do. Last night, it was 9pm. The wife was at work, and I was at home, with 2 hours to go before I had to go pick her up from work. The children were fast asleep in their rooms, leaving Dad to the influences of the voices in his mind.

My hair had recently reached a length where I had to actually tend to it, which for me is simply too much responsibility. (Yes, I realize that I am in control of 3 human beings lives...) So in an effort to reduce my morning tasks back to

1. get Dressed
2. Start car
3. drive to work

instead of having to include YET ANOTHER STEP of

"1a. comb hair"

I decided that it woulf be the perfect time to trim my hair myself. The best investment I've made in the way of grooming and hygiene products was the barber electric shears. Most people would say toothbrush, or soap, or something like that, but I am partial to my electric shears. Within mere minutes, I had reduced my shaggy dog hair to a stubbly scalp.

This is where I lost any grip on sanity.

The stubble was TOO LONG. It should have been a warning sign when I found myself applying shaving cream to my head. I made pass after pass across my dome with a razor, removing hair, follicles, skin, skull shavings... until I was positive that I had removed any sign of hair from my head. Once finished, I stood back and marveled at my now smooth cranium. It reminded me of a scene in Alien, whee the light reflects off of the Alien's long sleek torpedo smooth noggin.

Now see...that's 50 different kinds of sexy, right there.

Now, I don't regret doing this, as I have yet to do anything that I regret. However, by doing this I have brought even more attention to my already prominent eyebrow(s). There is more hair in between my eyebrows than there is on my scalp. My EARS have more hair. There is more hair in your typical school lunch than there is above my ears at this point.

If ketchup is now a vegatable, what is hair? Meat?

ONce done, I headed off to pick up the wife from work. Her reaction? None. She didn't say a thing about it. I got a fairly positive response about it later, however. Nothing more needs to be said about that.

A couple of things...if you ever decide to shave your head, consider for a moment razor burn on your scalp. A soothing gel is highly suggested. Also, don't do as I did, and use only one old razor blade. Expect to use 2 at least, and try to use a new one.

Hometown Hotties Contest Winner!

I have purchased a copy of the most recent Maxim issue, and it it reveals the winner of the 2004 Hometown Hotties contest to be....


Yup. A blonde won the competition. Martina, the official Daily Update choice, came in as runner-up, though certainly not in our minds.

Why brunettes? We'll let Eva Longoria make the case for us...

Friday, November 19, 2004

OK, I know...

Hardly anything for days on end,a nd then a blur of action in one day? What the Jiminy Christmas is going on at The Daily Update offices, anyway?

Well, this just couldn't go un-noticed. A story that talks about the seriousness of Caffine-addiction.

Oh, baby. That is SOOOO me.

Coming from a guy who has been known to go through a 24 pack in a span of 3 days....well, my addiction speaks for itself. Speaking of which...the , she calls.

Talk more about this later.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Song Quote of the Day:
Come up to meet you, tell you I’m sorry
You don’t know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions
Oh lets go back to the start
Running in circles, coming up tails
Heads on a silence apart

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said that it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
Tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I’m going back to the start

Picture of Eva Mendes for the same reason as always

This Day in Hisory:
In 1794, the United States and Britain signed Jay's Treaty, which resolved some issues left over from the Revolutionary War.

In 1831, the 20th president of the United States, James Garfield, was born in Orange, Ohio.

In 1863, President Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address as he dedicated a national cemetery at the site of the Civil War battlefield in Pennsylvania.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this
continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the
proposition that "all men are created equal."

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

In 1919, the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles by a 55-39 vote, short of the two-thirds majority needed for ratification.

In 1942, during World War II, Russian forces launched their winter offensive against the Germans along the Don front.

In 1949, Monaco held a coronation for its new ruler, Prince Rainier III, six months after he succeeded his grandfather, Prince Louis II.

In 1969, Apollo 12 astronauts Charles Conrad and Alan Bean made man's second landing on the moon.

In 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat became the first Arab leader to visit Israel. "Love what you've done with the place," he said. "Any chance of your people coming back to finish up on the pyramids?"

OK, so he didn't say that.

In 1985, President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev met for the first time as they began their summit in Geneva.

In 1997, Iowa seamstress Bobbi McCaughey gave birth to four boys and three girls — only the second set of septuplets known to have been born alive.

Because....why the heck not?

Bailey and her allergies

Our 2 year old had to visit the doctors the other day, since she was constantly complaining of a tummyache, and problems using the restroom. Test results came back, and not only is she allergic to dairy products, but it looksas though she has a Level II allergy to peanuts and peanut products.

How in the heck does a kid get by in life without a peanut butter sandwich and milk? What in the world am I going to be able to feed my little girl? though no fault of her own, she's stuck on the Atkins diet, it seems. Lotsa meat, lotsa fruit and veggies, and anything beyond that is just about verboten. I don't feel bad for me, though. It's tough finding her things to eat, but it'll be tougher for her to watch other kids able to eat all of these things and not be able to participate.

What does a level II allergy mean? Haven't the foggiest idea. I am waiting for a chance to talk to the nutritionist to find out myself. I'll let you know when I know.

Hometown Hotties

The Maxim Hometown Hotties contest winner has been released and is on newsstands now. But I don't have a copy yet, so I don't know what to tell you. I'll pick up my copy soon enough, and get back to you on the results.

Twins lose Guzman

The Twins starting shortstop Christian Guzman has signed elsewhere, taking his declining range and batting ability to the team formerly known as the Montreal Expos. And while the twins were wise not to break the bank in order to keep him, the quetion remains...who's going to replace him? Keep in mind, whomever they get has to be solid defensively. this team was built on the premise of pitching and defense, and in order to win, they'll need to be solid defensively up the middle.

None of the guys they have available to them currently on the team are known for their ability to hold the job full time. We'll see if htey sign a cheap all-defense, no glove type of player to fill in until they can develop a shortstop of their own. Preferably a SS who can freaking BUNT, for crying out loud.

Meanwhile, they've got an offer to 3B Korey Koskie, bu it's anyone's guess if he'll be back next year. Should he be? I don't know. It's the same deal as Guzman, really. He's a good player who can really helpt he team, and maintain some consistancy, but he has an injury history to him, and he goes through some really tough cold spells with teh bat. You wouldn't want to overspend to keep him, but if he leaves, you better have a viable alternative. And who knows if the Twins really do or not.

Last year required us to completely overhaul our bullpen in order to keep things affordable. That's how it is when you spend maybe a 1/3rd of what other teams do to be competitive. This year, it's gonna be our infield that is re-built. I'm guessing htat ext year is the outfield's turn, or posibly the starting rotation. Who knows? But the team has proven that they can handle adversity by winning 3 straight division titles. If they're going to win a fourth, they'll have to prove to be flexible, and handle even more adversity and change.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ok, yesterday's link has ben fixed for those who tried and got nowhere. (Sorry if that seems personal.)

For those of you who didn't, it's the trailer for the next Star Wars movie. there's plenty not to like about the previous two movies, and this one has a chance to be just as bad as those. However, I think everyone still holds out for that little glimmer of hope that it willbe able to exceed your low expectations, and come out to be what it COULD be.

More than likely, Lucas caught lightening in a bottle with Star Wars and The Emire Strikes Back, and it's just as unlikely that he'll never duplicate that kind of success again. But you still hold out hope, if you're like me.

My oldest daughter came to me and asked if we could go and see the movie when it comes out, sometime next May. OH, yes. We WILL see this movie. Why? because I want o see just how bad they'll make Darth Vader. As bad as he was in the first 3 movies (ok, he really wasn't all that evil in the 3rd movie), you always knew that his history PRE_Star Wars, his reputation, was what made him the greatest villian in Science Fiction History. This is the movie for him to show that, since there isn't going to be a movie between this next one and the original. So if darth is going to live up to his GREATEST VILLIAN OF ALL TIME title, this is the movie to do it in.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Not much of an update right now, but there is one coming.

Meanwhile...there is this.

Commentary on it later today, possibly.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Song Quote of the Day:

To me there's lots more broken,
Than anyone can really see.
Why the angels turn their backs on some;
It's a mystery to me.

All at once I hear your voice,
And time just slips away.
Nothing they can say can hold me here.
Take me where I only feel,
The wind across my face.
Let me know there's some place left for me.
Waiting there for me...

When I was young, my mother was diagnosed with clinical depression. It was bad enough that she was often hospitalized for it. And as a kid, I never really understood that. Part of me was angry with her for it, because we couldn't spend the time we normally would togeather. Instead, our time was spent in some sort of visitors area, and only for a few hours. Often, there were other mentally ill people around, who were much worse off than Mom was. Part of me wondered why she just couldn't be happy, and why I couldn't help her. I'd make cards and pictures and tell her I loved her, but it never made any difference from what I could tell. She was still depressed, and she was still in the hospital for weeks to months at a time.

Had I known better, I would have been able to understand that because of her depression, she wasn't able to take care of herself, much less anyone else. Especially a child. But I didn't know better. I was just a kid who wanted his Mommy.

And now I DO understand. I understand better than I thought I could have. I've been battling my own depression for a little while now, and it's hard to force yourself onto your feet, and make a peanut butter sandwich for the angelic face in front of you, who is asking so sweetly that it breaks your heart. Instead, it's so tempting to simply shut the door and stay in bed, and let your own thoughts produce demons from the shadows to torment your mind. Simply baking a frozen pizza isn't supposed to be such a daunting task.

People ask how you are doing, and you find it easier to say that you are doing fine, because noone wants to know the real truth. And you don't want to be a drain on their lives. You lie to you boss, because to tell her how you are really feeling is to invite her to look for reasons to fire you, and dump you out into a job market that offers less sustinence than a 30 year old bone.

Life, like the food you eat, has lost it's flavor. It seems as though everything has lost it's brilliance, like all of the color has been washed out. Thihgs that brought you joy in the past no longer do. Football, for example. Or looking at pretty women. (Well, it's still fun. But, it's tempered a bit.)

I haven't completely lost my mind...

I'm handling as best I can, and I am working on finding some help for it. I don't know if it is something biological where it doesn't manifest until the late 20's, or maybe it was somethng that I was always dealing with,and it just never got this bad until now. But it is partly why my writing hasn't been as often lately. I apologize.


I've been recently looking for some inspiration in my life, and think I may have found it where many others before me have. It's hardly an original idea, but it's interesting to me, SO BACK OFF!

Sorry. A little edgy these days too.

Anyway, I was looking at getting into motorcycle riding. I've talked with a few riders, but am ashamed to say that I have yet to talk to my Uncle Paul, who really should have been one of the first people I SHOULD have talked to. (Closed circuit to Dad: please call me as soon as you can with Paul's #, so that I can do this. )

Having been nothing but a passenger on a motorcycle, it's a little intimidating, but you ahve to start somewhere. I also stopped up at the Harley Davidson dealer in my area, and got a feel for what I was getting into. I took a look at what they had, and I think the best fit for me and what I am looking to do is a Dyna Glide Low Rider. See attached picture.

But then, I'm not naive enough to think that I can just start off on such a beautiful machine right away, having nevr ridden before. So I'm doing some research on what is a good bike to start with, build up some experience, and some time in the future, I'll step up to the one above. And then maybe I can combine my interestes into the picture below....

A man has to have dreams...

I'm not going to do it any time soon, as I have the move to Vancouver, WA to think of. But maybe once I get out there, there will be time to devote to it. The thought of taking off down the California coast, or going and visiting the parents in Tacoma on a 2-3 hour drive is quite appealing, I must say.

Certain parts look daunting...learning how to shift gears, making sure I brake when I brake,a nd not shift gears instead....a few other things.

But then, there are alot of people riding now that aren't much smarter than myself, so I think there is hope for me.

And no, I don't want a crotch rocket. Just a cruiser, to tool up and down the coastline. Leave the clouds of depression behind.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Song of the Day:

Please come now I think I'm falling
I'm holding to all I think is safe
It seems I found the road to nowhere
And I'm trying to escape
I yelled back when I heard thunder
But I'm down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say

Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain't so far down

Today in History:

In 1512, Michelangelo's paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel were first exhibited to the public.

In 1604, 400 years ago, William Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello" was first presented at Whitehall Palace in London.

Othello is a story of a man who has everything, and has it taken away from him by the suspicion (planted by the fiendish Iago) that his wife carried on an adulterous affair with Cassio, a fellow soldier and friend.

"Iago. O! beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-ey'd monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss
Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger;
But, O! what damned minutes tells he o'er
Who dotes, yet doubts; suspects, yet soundly
loves! "
Act III, Sc. III

In 1765, the Stamp Act went into effect, prompting stiff resistance from American colonists. This of course, led to the Boston Tea Party, which led to the American Revolution, etc., etc, etc...

In 1861, General George B. McClellan was made General-in-Chief of the Union armies.

In 1870, the United States Weather Bureau made its first meteorological observations.

In 1944, "Harvey," a comedy by Mary Chase about a man and his friend, an invisible 6-foot-tall rabbit, opened on Broadway. Because, you know, mental illness is always funny.

In 1950, two Puerto Rican nationalists tried to force their way into Blair House in Washington to assassinate President Truman. The attempt failed, and one of the pair was killed.

More than likely, the Puerto ricans did not look like this. The Daily Update: Making History sexier!

In 1952, the United States exploded the first hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands.

In 1999, The greatest running bak of all-time, Walter Payton, passed away from bile duct cancer at age 45. Some people (Ok, me) would say that Walter was simply drafted by God to play in the greatest of all football games for all time.

Today's Birthdays:

Magazine publisher Larry Flynt is 62. WHat magazine does he publish?

I only know this because of what Pat Robertson tells me. Really.

(Ok, not really.)
R&B musician Khalis Bayyan (aka Ronald Bell) (Kool and the Gang) is 53. Celebrate good times, come on!

Country singer and ugly-man-who-married-Julia-Roberts Lyle Lovett is 47.

Rock singer Anthony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers) is 42.

Californication, indeed.

Pop singer-musician Mags Furuholmen (A-Ha) is 42. (Take on me. Take me on. )

Rock musician Rick Allen (Def Leppard) is 41. (Pour some sugar on me. )

Country singer "Big Kenny" Alphin (Big and Rich) is 41. (Save a horse, Ride a cowboy)

Don't look for cowboy pictures at work...

Singer Sophie B. Hawkins is 37.

Actress Jenny McCarthy is 32.

Shakesperian Quote of the day:
"The Moor is of a free and open nature,
That thinks men honest that but seem to be so,
And will as tenderly be led by the nose
As asses are.
I have't; it is engender'd: hell and night
Must bring this monstrous birth to the world's

Iago-Othello Act I Scene III

Election Time

I am not a political man. However, I'm no different than any other person out there,a nd have my own opinions as to who should be the next president.

And lemme tell ya, it ain't either of the candidates offered. I cannot vote for Bush when those around me have been unemployed for for close to a year now, and the possibility of me finding a job outside of the one I have now are dim. THe job market is horrible. I understand the impact of Sept. 11th on the economy, and I understand he has done what he can. BUt as it is, I cannot see it gettting better with him leading the charge. As for Kerry....the best way that I can describe my feelings is that he doesn't have that Presidential charisma. He doesn't imspire confidence to get the job done.

My vote? None of the above. Put a gun to my head, and I'd go Kerry, but remember...there's a gun to my head.

More later. damn, I wish I had more time to write. Well, I wish I was being paid to write this thing.

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