
Friday, March 25, 2005

Hometown Hotties, week 6!

We'll jump right into row 1.

Row 1: Leslie, NV

Row 2: Brandy, NC; Crystal, FL; Denise, CA; Melissa, MD

Row 3: (man, you may not see it unless you go through one by one, but there are alot of Hooters girls out in this competition.
And I'm not picking her for this competition, because Miranda of CA looks like she could castrate you with just a look. A glare as sharp as a laser cutting tool is her superpower. This means nothing out of row 3.

Row 4: Sarah of TX; Pamela, FL (but if she is 118 pounds, than 30 lbs of it is breasts); Shelley, NC

Row 5: Leigh Ann, CA (yes, the school girl outfit cinched it. Leave me alone.); Laura, PA; Cherrilyn, FL

Row 6: Jelena, PA

Row 7: Jennifer, OH; Jaqueline, CA; Kelly, NC; (Do you remember the old rule about shopping while you are hungary? Yeah, the same applies to Hometown hottie shopping...Those impulse buys will get you every time.) Nicole, ME

Row 8: Catera, NM

Row 9: Mariana, FL; Agnes, IL

Row 10: NOthing to report.

19 women competing for 10 spots.

Leslie of NV is the first cut. Enough time has passed since I chose her that I've grown dis-interested. That's a terrible thing to say, but I've got to be honest.

Denise of CA and Melissa of MD are next on the chopping block, but it should be noted that Melissa has a great set of legs. A GREAT set. It'd be nice to use them as a scarf. Those would be great sticks to rub together, but I'm afraid I'd end up holding them apart for as long as I could. Yes, I am a pig.

Sarah of TX reminds me of Janet Jackson somewhat, before she went loopy. I was a major major fan of Janet Jackson, because of her beauty and her smile. Sarah of TX will not be cut any time soon.

Pamela of FL reminds me of Jaime Pressley.

That also is a good thing. I will have to cut Shelley of NC however. The magic that was there before isn't there now.

Leigh Ann has about as many teeth as a great White shark, but she's just killer sexy, so we're not cutting her. Laura is cut though, because her face is a little longer than I'd prefer. Cheryllin however....the only plce she is going is straight to my room, young lady.

Jelena has a nice caboose, but again, the magic that we once had is gone. Sorry, sweetheart.

Jennifer speaks to the exotic flavor in my soul, and she won't be cut at all. Jaqueline of CA is a gorgeous blonde, doing credit to california blondes. Kelly of NC shows more skin than Nicole of ME, but Nicole has a prettier smile, and just excudes a grace and a simmering sultryness that can't be denied. Kelly of NC is cut. Just 2 more cuts to make to get down to 10.

But they are the unkindest cuts of all. Both Catera and Agnes of IL speak to my spicy flavor cravings, but I have to cut someone, so they are cut. this is especially hard, since Agnes reminds me of Catherine Zeta Jones.

So there is your week 6 pics.

Bonus Song of the Day:

I'm through with romance, I'm through with love
I'm through with countin' the stars above
And here's the reason that I'm so free
My lovin' baby is through with me

Bye bye love
Bye bye happiness
Hello loneliness
I think I'm gonna cry-y
Bye bye love,
Bye bye sweet caress,
Hello emptiness
I feel like I could di-ie
Bye bye my love goodby-eye

Today in History:

In 1634, Maryland was founded by English colonists sent by the second Lord Baltimore. Baltimore had crabs. Ok, so that was taking the cheap way out.

In 1865, during the Civil War, Confederate forces captured Fort Stedman in Virginia.

In 1894, Jacob S. Coxey began leading an "army" of unemployed from Massillon, Ohio, to Washington, D.C., to demand help from the federal government. Coxey had firm demands, but in the end it petered out leaving many unfulfilled.

OK, I made up the last part.

In 1911, 146 immigrant workers were killed when fire broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York.

In 1913, the home of vaudeville, the Palace Theatre, opened in New York City.

In 1918, French composer Claude Debussy died in Paris. Poor claude was a typo away in his last name from catastrophic name calling in school. It's a good thing he and Coxey never got together.

I'm so proud that I haven't grown beyond a 7th grade level of humor.

In 1947, a coal mine explosion in Centralia, Ill., claimed 111 lives.

In 1975, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was shot to death by a nephew with a history of mental illness. (The nephew was beheaded the following June.)

In 1990, 87 people, most of them Honduran and Dominican immigrants, were killed when fire raced through an illegal social club in New York City. Why Culture Club isn't illegal, no one knows.

In 1995, Mike Tyson was released from the Indiana Youth Center after serving three years for the 1992 rape of Desiree Washington, a beauty pageant contestant.

Talk about your Surreal Life casts...which of these would you choose to babysit your children for a night?

In 2004, Congress passed the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, making it a separate offense to harm a fetus during violent federal crime.

Also in 2004, Russian Evgeni Plushenko won his third world figure skating title, defeating French rival Brian Joubert. But I odn't keep track of such things.

Today's Birthdays: Former astronaut James Lovell is 77.

Lovell was part of the Apollo 13 crew.

Movie reviewer Gene Shalit is 73.

Feminist author Gloria Steinem is 71.

I'm sure if she was a daily UPdate reader, she'd apprciate these like the rest of you will.

Singer Anita Bryant is 65.

She'll keep on giving you the best that she's got.

No, wait. That was Anita Baker.

I have no clue about Anita Bryant.

Singer Aretha Franklin is 63.

Actor Paul Michael Glaser is 62.

Singer Elton John is 58.

And there was a doubt about if he was straght or not?

Actress Marcia Cross ("Desperate Housewives") is 43.

Actress Sarah Jessica Parker is 40.

real picture of her or not, she's over-rated.

Olympic bronze medal figure skater Debi Thomas is 38.

Word of the Day:

lachrymose \LAK-ruh-mohs\, adjective:
1. Given to shedding tears; suffused with tears; tearful.
2. Causing or tending to cause tears.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:
"A contract of eternal bond of love confirm'd by mutual joinder of hands"
Twelfth N, Act v, Sc.1

Picture of Sofia Vergara:


So college basketball is only a few weeks away form going away for the year, Baseball is coming up,a nd the football draft is right around the corner. Golf is starting up, but I can tolerate that as long as I can get rid of college basketball.

However, because of everythign transpiing in my life right now, I am strangely detached from sports for the firt time in a long time. I don't have the time for it as I used to, since I am concentrationg on fixing up the home and changing things in my life to prepare me for the much longer road ahead. However, I am looking forward to the time when I can delve back into the sports scene with gusto.

I'm a little dry on topics right now, so if there was any time that the readership could supply some topics of discussion that aren't relationship related, now would be a good time.

Meantime, we'll go out on an Adriana Lima picture, probably my favorite model.

There's little chance of her being in my Easter basket on Sunday morning, but there is always hope.

Song of the day:

Now if there's a smile on my face
it's only there tryin' to fool the public
but when it comes down to foolin' you;
Now honey, that's quite a different subject

But don't let my glad expression
give you the wrong impression
Really I'm sad
I'm sadder than sad
You're gone and I'm hurtin' so bad
Like a clown I pretend to be glad

Now there's some sad things known to man
but ain't too much sadder than
the tears of a clown
when there's no one around

folks, we missed a week of Hometown Hotties, and I apologize. I had wanted to post, and even had some oppurtunity to, but it has proven difficult to do these days. And I think it's time that I came clean to my public as to why the updates have been so few and far between.

Since roughly May of last year, your Daily Update writer has been battling through some major relationship issues, and this year it has come to the point that it is ir-repairable. The woman I have loved for 10 years now and I am seperated, and there are plans for divorce. We won't go into the specifics here as to how all of this happened; I'm not interested in badmouthing someone I loved (and still love, to some degree) for so long. Suffice to say that we failed each other in each other's eyes, and now the attention and care of the children becomes tantamount to anything else. I cannot say too much, for there is still alot to be decided, and I do not want to disrespect the memory of my soon-to-be-ex-wife's legacy when we were a family. And out of respect for her wishes, I will not air our issues in this forum. It would make things rather ugly, and it's hardly in the best interest of the kids.

She will always be the first woman I married, and had we been able to make it work, there never would have been another. She is also the first woman I loved so completely that I gave every part of myself to, without holding back, for good or bad. That sort of love, fully commited with no restraint, will be hard to offer again. I hope to be able to one day, but I fear that I may never be able to. Time will tell.

In the meantime, I will continue to update what I can, and when I can. I hope someday to be able to get back into a regular routine, where I can post more often, as I had intended when this project started a little over a year ago.

I appreciate my audience's patience and understanding during this time. You have my gratitude for that and your friendship.

For those with questions, feel free to e-mail me at the appropriate addresses, and I will answr what I can. I reserve the right to a cetain amount of privacy, so please don't feel offended if there are certain things I don't answer, but at the same time, feel free to ask whatever question you feel relevant.

As a reward for your patience, I am going to work on 2 updates today. One regular one, and of course, a seperate Hometown Hottie post. It seems to work best if I seperate the two, for some reason. Otherwise it gets too long (somewhat like yours truly) and (hopefully not like yours truly) gets cut off at the end.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Hometown Hotties Week 4!

Amazing how quickly it has come upon us, hasn't it? the weeks are just racing by (bi?)!

Anyway, I don't have anything clever to say, so we'll just jump right ino the frey.

Row 1: Anna, CA; Lana, MD

row 2: Melissa & Jen, IL (really, this was unavoidable. THey HAD to be chosen); Reese, VA; Claudia, FL; Tracy, FL; Cheri, NC (Lord, are we ever going to make it out of row 2? I simply HAVE to stop doing this during rutting season.)

Row 3: Martha, WA

Row 4: Johanna, FL; Kimberly, NY

Row 5: Biani, MD; Marie, NJ; Anna, PA; Oksana, NY

Row 6: Kellie, FL; Caroline, CA

Row 7: Randee, NE; Anders, TN

Row 8: Noelle, MA; Jennifer, CA; Ok, I'm not picking her, but Alicia of NV mentions that he won a Michael Jackson impersonation contest...I don't think I'd brag about that...Stephanie of Holy CR*P! MI (OK, I made up the Holy cr*p part...but you tell me you first reaction...)

Row 9: Catherine of NV; Cherry of HI

Row 10: Simona, CA

There were plenty that I could have chosen, and some that I chose that I knew that had no real shot at th top 10. But I'm not handling my duties well, so we'll quickly cut to the elimination round. 24 girls for 10 spots.

Let's start with the quote-unquote easy cuts.

Anna of CA isn't one of them, but I'm cutting her anyway, for brevity's sake. I've got to be hard, er, uh....tough on this. Anna of CA is hot, but she'll baely make the top 10 if at all, and that's saying alot this week. Lana of MD is very hot, bu she has a rather large tatoo on her back, and belly button bling. That violates two rules, and it was more the large tattoo than anything.

Melissa and Jen of IL isn't going anywhere. Sorry, but on their own, they could have made it...as a dynamic duo..well...the world is theirs.

Reese of VA is out. Smoldering sexy, but I can't afford to be kind here. Claudia of FL is just sexy enough to almost vaul her past the duo of Melissa and Jen. YOu can't cut beauy like that.

Tracy of FL has some nice legs, and a very pretty smile. We'll keep her around for now. And we have to do the same for Cheri of NC. Ugh, this is so hard.

Martha of WA is gorgeous. Not on the level of Claudia, but her body is amazing,and should easily ease her into the top 10. PLus, she's in Vancouver. I think I've foudn the next keeper of my....well, never mind that. She's hot.

Johanna of Fl can't be cut! She has much moe important duties ahead for her! Like...starring in one of several dreams I'll have later tonight!

Kimberly of NY is cut, though she is beautiful, and has some very nice legs. I think part of the attraction was knowing that she was from Poughkeepsie, which just sounds naughty.

Biani is cut as well, but she has a great body and a pretty smile. the ruffled garter thing got to me, and she has a nice derriere.

Marie is a French tutor. That's the kinda tutor I like! But its not enough to overcome the slight celine Dion resemblance. Gone.

Anna of Pa is a redhead, which we at the daily update don't choose alot. She probably dyes it, but we don't care. She'll stick around for now.

Oksana is easy on the eyes, but it ws her Russian background that really appealed to me. Well, that and her beauty. But it wasn't enough. So much for Glasnost.

Kellie of FL likes intersting underwear. Not that I was looking THERE or anything. She stays. So does Caroline, who has an intoxicating smile. Caroline, Claudia, Martha...man there are some possibilities out of this group to win it all!

Randee is willing to be naked. She can kick my ass. She has a nice smile and a great body. She gets demerits for short hair, but I am inclinde dot keep her around. Why, I don't know. SHe's not as pretty as the others mentioned before, but something inside me (ok, on the outside too) says "Mate with her!"

Sadly, thtat isn't gonna happen soon. Except in the coming attractions of The Matt Amundson Theater of the Mind.

I had hoped to cut Anders to drop the # of girls, but looking again, I can't do that just yet.

Noelle has that ruffed garter thing going on too, and that drives me insane. A nice pair of legs to boot. But I gotta cut her loose. Set her free. See if she comes back to me on her own. I'm setting Anders loose too.

Jennifer of CA, however, is going to stay locked in my basement for quite some time. I'll treat her right, but I'm not setting her free if I can avoid it.

Stephanie of MI (Holy cr*p!) has huge...plots of land, to quote the King in one of those Monty Python movies. Nice legs, nice smile...the complete package. She and I should exchange or share packages with each other sometime.

Catherine and Cheri isn't going to be cut any time soon either, and Cherry has that ruffled garter skirt thing going....man that is popular. She's so very hot to boot.

Just by default, I'm gona have to cut Simona. I don't wanna. I have ta.

That leaves 15.

Oh kay.

Randee is gone. Mating instincts or not, I just...can't. I don't have any logic behind the next cuts as it is anyway. Tracy of FL is next, and I'm weeping at this point. Kellie of FL may have blinded me with her underwear/bikini. We'll cut her too.

I click on submit...and it took it! I was able to avoid cutting anyone else! Or I lost count someplace. But we won't mention that. There. my work is done. Well...Still some stuff to do at home. We'll try to finish up some more updates in teh next few days.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Song of the Day:

Well there's a punk in the alley and he's looking for a fight
There's an Arab on the corner buying everything in sight
There's a mother in the ghetto with another mouth to feed
Seems that everywhere you look today there's misery and greed

I guess you know the Earth is gonna crash into the sun
But that's no reason why we shouldn't have a little fun
So if you think it's scary, if it's more than you can take
Just blow out the candles and have a piece of cake

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

-"Weird Al" style.

This Day in History:

Today is Saturday, March 5, the 64th day of 2005. There are 301 days left in the year.

In 1770, the Boston Massacre took place as British soldiers who'd been taunted by a crowd of colonists opened fire, killing five people.

Quite often, this is considered the start of the Revolutionary War. The same cannot be said for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

In 1849, Zachary Taylor took the oath of office at his presidential inauguration.

In 1868, the Senate was organized into a Court of Impeachment to decide charges against President Andrew Johnson.

In 1933, in German parliamentary elections, the Nazi Party won 44 percent of the vote, enabling it to join with the Nationalists to gain a slender majority in the Reichstag. So far March 5th is a pretty depressing day in history.

In 1946, Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Mo. In the 1970's Chuck Knoll unleashed the Steel Curtain on the rest of the NFL, winning 4 Super Bowls with a tough gritty defense, and a bit of moxie on the offensive side. These two things have nothing to do with each other.

In 1953, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin died at age 73 after 29 years in power. Well, there's some good news!

In 1953, Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev died in Moscow at age 61. Only to be followed by bad news. Prokofiev is best known for his work on "Peter and the Wolf", and I would argue that some of the best music for a villian ever composed was for the wolf. It ranks right up there with the Imperial March for Darth Vader.

In much of his other work, it's easy to see the influence of Russian culture on his music. Much of it is bold and strong, and if you close your eyes, you can see the Russian army marching through Red Square to the sound of his compositions.

In 1963, country music performers Patsy Cline, "Cowboy" Copas and "Hawkshaw" Hawkins died in a plane crash near Camden, Tenn. Turns out they were playing chicken against another plane carrying Richie Valens, the Big Bopper, and Buddy Holly. But you'll never get anyone to admit it.

In 1970, a nuclear non-proliferation treaty went into effect after 43 nations ratified it. Blah blah blah...

In 1982, comedian John Belushi was found dead of a drug overdose in a rented bungalow in Hollywood, Calif.; he was 33.

Today's Birthdays: Actor Dean Stockwell is 69.

I know him best for his role in Quantum Leap, but you might know him better as something else.

Magician Penn Jillette is 50.

Pop singer Teena Marie is 49.

Rock singer Craig Reid is 43. Rock singer Charlie Reid is 43.

The Proclaimers! they'll walk 500 mile,s and walk 500 more, but they're gonna need a bottle of Doan's back relief when they're done.

Actress Jolene Blalock ("Enterprise") is 30.

Happy Birthday, Dad.

Model Niki Taylor is 30.

Happy Birthday, Dad.

Actress Eva Mendes is 27.

Happy Birthday, Dad.

Actor Jake Lloyd is 16. Nobody cares. Here's a picture of Sofia Vergara instead.

Happy Birthday, Dad.

Sofia Vergara is dating Tom Cruise. I hate Tom Cruise. I really really hate Tom Cruise.

More coming....stay tuned...

OK, little time, and lots to cover, so we're gonna get the Hometown Hotties Week 3 stuff in first, and then if we ahve time, a regular update.

Hometown Hotties Week 3!

Row 1: Ashley, FL

Row 2: OK, I'm not really voting for her, but I had to point out Buddah of AL. It's not every day you see a deity like that. It brings to mind the old rhyme...

"Oh, Buddah, bring me luck
Or maybe just one good..."

Summer, MI; Bri,UT

Row 3: Michelle, TX;Dawn, TX; Natalie, MO

Row 4: Candy, FL; Tori, NC; Sara, MI

Row 5: Shae, CA

Row 6: Mackenzie, ME

Row 7: Crystal, FL; Trudi, NV;Cindy, MS; Sage, FL

Row 8: Kristin, Fl

Row 9: Sara,ME

Row 10: nothing to report, sadly.

So that is 16 girls wrestling for 10 spots...man, I've had dreams like that.

I also think I've used that line before.

Ashley of Fl in Row 1 says that she is a big people person. Does that mean she likes fatties? (Ok that wasn't as funny as I though tiw as originally. But I'm leaving it rather than hitting the delete key. )

She has a small tattoo, but it's nothing that really hurts her chances. It's small enough that it isn't distracting. I'm still on the fence though.

Summer of MI in row 2 is a bit thinner than I typically prefer, but she is long and tall, and blonde, and has good taste in baseball teams, so we'll allow her to move on.

Michelle of CA looks amazing and has a great smile. She's not going anywhere. We have our 2nd position filled. I thought about saying we had our 2nd spot filled, but that just doesn't sound quite right.

Dawn of TX is pretty, but to be perfectly honest, she made the list for 1 major reason. she's got really nice legs. Other than that, she looks like too tough of a chick for me. That's my failing, and not hers. But it still means she's cut.

Look at picture #2 for Natalie of MO, and tell me that she doesn't deserve spot #3. And then call yourself a filthy liar.

Candy of FL...I've got Lil' Kim's "How many licks" playing in my head right at the moment. She was a salad girl at an Amish resteraunt. There is something about that that just doesn't make much sense. Candy is pretty, and has a decent figure, but I'm going off the wall and cutting her. There isn't any one reason for doing so, other than the impression taht I get in looking at her that she could make my life miserable. That, and she has a small mouth. And there are those of us out there that need a woman with a bigger mouth.

I'm just saying. You know.

Moving on.

Tori of NC claims the 5th spot, though for most she wouldn't. She's got some wider hips than other girls, but her smile and her presence in her photos is so alluring, that I can't resist. 4 spots taken. 6 spots left for 10 girls.

Sometimes it's hard to be honest with yourself. Sara of MI looks great smiling in the first picture. Int eh second pcture, she's wearing white and is wet. Ok...not bad...a little slutty, but that's good right? Well,t he 3rd picture she looks horrible. Airbrushed and painted up and set to walk the streets. Sara, you're gone.

Shae of CA however, is fantastic to look at, curvy and beautiful. A nice smile, and a zexiness that really comes out. Shae gets spot # 5.

Mackenzie of ME nails down spot #6, and how I wish I was spot # 6, to be ailed down by Mackenzie. You cant put words to that. beauty like hers, you need John Williams to create a soundtrack for.

Crystal of FL gets Spot #7 to her own. she's a taller version of Tara Reid, from what I can see, and doesn't have too much of a problem with nudity. HTat's a good thing.

Trudi of NV is really cute, and sems to have a fun flirtatious side to her. All I know is, when I look at her, I think it would be fun to mate with her. And it would be fun. Oh, yes. It WOULD be fun. That's enough for spot # 8. She also has some nice sticks (re:legs) that I wouldn't mind rubbing together if I wasn't so busy holding them apart.

Looking back at Cindy of MS, I am not enteiely sure what I was thinking. She's hot, there's no doubt. But her face is somewhat of a blank slate. Gone.

Sage of Fl is next, and she has a nice tush, but in taking a closer look...she resembles Paris Hilton, if Paris Hilton ate anything at all. And she conjures up the same reaction in me...I don't want to be dipping my bucket in a poisoned well. Parsley, Rosemary and Thyme need to perform an intervention here. (If you got that, then you should really stop listening to Simon and Garfunkel.It's a terrible song.)

But I can't shake the feeling that I am forgetting someone. And it's because I am!

Bri of UT in the second row has the nicest set of legs I have seen in quite some time. She also has a nice smile, and is willing to go topless, which is always a good thing. It also offsets the burden she carries of having a name that is normally associated with a stinky French cheese. My oriignal reaction was to cut her, because her photos weren't the quality of other girls who had sent in their picture But I saw past hat, and I think she ahs some real potential if given the chance. Now if only I could see past her hair... Spot #9 is spoken for.

That leaves 1 spot for Kristin of Fl, Sara of ME, and Ashley of Fl. Sara is still pretty, but after taking a second look, she has some issues. she's rather muscular, which in an dof itself, isn't bad. But her tush has more muscle than one should, and her calves are formidable to most linebackers. I'm not comfortable enough with my sexuality to continue any further. Sorry Sara.

Krisin of LF gets teh last spot. Partially because I waffled earllier with Ashle, and partially because when Kristin's hair is straight, she's gogeous and deserves the vote. But that 3rd picture, where her hair is teased...no, that just will not do. I will vote for you as long as you never do that again.

So that is our 10 for week 3! I'm going to post this while I can, and hope to whomever that it doesn't get sheared off like it has in weeks past!

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