
Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Song Quote of the Day:
I don't know why she's riding so high
She ought to think right, she ought to do right by me
Before she gets saying goodbye
She ought to think right, she ought to do right by me

I think I'm gonna be sad, I think it's today, yeh
The girl that's driving me mad, is going away
She's got a ticket to ride
She's got a ticket to ride
She's got a ticket to ride
But she don't care

This Day in History:

In 1842, a Dr. by the name of Crawford Long first used Ether as an anesthetic during a minor operation. This replaced previous methods of anesthetic like a hard hit on the head, boatloads of liquor, turkey dinners, or old episodes of Donahue.

In 1867, then Secratary of State William Seward agreed to purchase a barren patch of land of snow and ice from Russia for $7.2 million. Ridiculed at the time, the transaction was referred to as Seward's Folly. Now it's called Alaska, and the oil supplied by Alaska has by far outweighed whatever cost we originally had to pay for it. It'd be similar to a "friend" that you secretly hate selling you his used couch and finding out that the back of the couch was loaded with Diamonds.

In 1870, the 15th amendment was declared in effect, granting black men the right to vote. Additionally, Texas was re-admitted to the Union, having been kicked out for constantly bragging that "everything is bigger in Texas". Having been humbled by Alaska's "girth", Texas promised to behave from then on out. (Of course, as we all know, it was an empty promise and they continue to be full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. )
Oh, and that entire Civil War thing might have played a part as well.

In 2004, Mom celebrates one of many birthdays yet to come. Happy Birthday Mom. Thanks for keeping me in line all those years. Thanks for caring enough to get angry when I uttered the infamous line of "I'm not going to need to know about African Bushmen when I'm working on the assembly line", in poor poor defense of a failing grade in Social Studies. thank you for showing me the definition of grace, class, and civility. And manners too. Accountability. Basically, thanks for everthing that is good about me, since you instilled them within me over all of those years.

I remember when I was little and we lived in South Fargo. We had a Wrought Iron table and chairs, for whatever reason. I remember when I sat down that the back of my shirt would constantly get caught in the Iron decorations of the chair, and you'd have to come over and get me loose. Thanks for that too.

Thanks for my sister, too. (though at the time, I had wanted a brother.) She's OK, I guess. If you like that entire "having a sibling" thing. (That's sarcasm for those that didn't pick it up. I love my sister, but not in the Kentucky kinda way. )

Thanks for teaching me how to ride a bicycle, and for your meatballs that have proven to be impossible to reproduce, much less the apple crisp or the pork chops, and countless other meals.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

"I have a kind soul that would give you thanks, and knows not how to do it, but with tears"
King John, Act v, Sc.7

Word of the Day:

Segue (Seg-WAY) N. 1. Music.To make a transition directly from one section or theme to another.
2. To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another

Passion of the Christ Review:

All of those expecting something different than what has already been said might as well move onto the next session, because there really isn't anything new to say. It's a 2-3 hour film watching a man turned into hamburger meat; it doesn't really qualify as entertainment. It's similar to that end to Schindler's List, yet I wouldn't put it into that realm of film. To borrow from a conversation I had with one reader, I appreciate the sacrifice that he made for future Christians, but it doesn't mean that I really want to see or re-live it.

The historical, cultural, and religous importance of that moment is pretty obvious; without it there is no Christianity. However, as I sat there with my wife beside me, crying at the visual spectacle of the brutality forced upon this Rabbi...well I realized it was NOT a date movie, and hardly the type that was going to increase my chances for marital congress later.

Graphic scenes notwithstanding, there were things about the movie I DID like. Such as the display of Mary's feelings toward her son's punishment. It was no different than any other mother watching their child being tormented. But that was what made the scene...that even though Jesus was this and that and the Son of God and all of these other titles, he was MAN, and a man borne of a human mother, who had all of the anguish of a parent helpess but to watch their child suffer. SPOILER ALERT!: Jesus dies near the end of the film.

I also liked how they portrayed the Devil, a wandering spirit who was ever-present, tormenting and taunting Jesus throughout the ordeal, not to mention his merciless haunting of Judas at the beginning of the film. that said, I have my own perception of how things went down (as everyone else does)a nd like to think that the Devil is a bit more subtle. That, however, is being rather picky.

While watching the film I kept an open mind, but at the same time looking for any signs of anti-semetism. Did I find anything? Well, if by portraying some (not all) Jewish High Priests as the men who condemned Jesus to death...then yeah. But I would have to then ignore the High Priests who raised their voices in opposition, the Jewish people along the street crying at the brutality (granted some were cheering as well), and the Jew who helped Jesus carry the cross and defended Jesus as best he could.

Going by the movie portrayal at least. The movie is only one man's vision and depiction of what happened according to the bible. It's not a documentary. Don't fall into that misconception. There are those that probably have, like the nutball who sent the Synogogue the threatening letter I mentioned a week or so ago. It wasn't the movie that made him do that...he already had his own opinion of Jews before he saw the movie. He more than likely simply pulled out what context supported his belief and discarded the rest. Is he dangerous? Certainly. But just as much to himself as he is to others.

It's like my wife's rabbi said....there are many different paths to God. Wether it be Judaic or Christian or Hindu or YES, even Islamic...it's my belief you end up at the same person. Or thing. Or entity. Whatever God might be. What is right for me is not right for you, and what is right for you isn't necessarily right for me. So I'm not going to impose my will and way of life onto you. If you wanna know about it, I'll provide whatever information you miht want, and if you act now, I'll throw in a free Wyoming State Jell-o Mold! (Get it? Wyoming is square, thus you'd be getting a square pan in which to....ah, heck with it. )

Week of Bachelerhood, Days 2-4

Despite my protestations in the most recent post, I was able to settle into a certain amount of comfort over the weekend, being all by myself. Did I clean? Oh, heavens no. BUt I did create a fictional player in my new baseball game, and was able to guidem him through multiple seasons to the point that he was 43 years old and had achieved Hall of Fame status. That and watched aStar Trek marathon,and some other various movies, not to mention grocery shopping!

And what would any bachelor be without his Pizza Rolls, Drumsticks and buffalo wing sauce, a few frozen pizzas, and a 5 for $2 deal for Mac and cheese? vegatables? Pshaw. RIGHT. maybe if some of them are on the pizza, MAYBE. Otherwise, those will just have to wait until the kids get home.

My solitude was interrupted late Sunday night, however. The wife normally drove until shortly after Midnight, and then they found the closest hotel to stop in for the night. This had an unexpected benefit, as the hotel rooms were typically half-price at that point. So it was not unexpected that she called me Monday morning at 1:30am. What WAS alarming was that she reported the van had suffered a blown tire, and they had been stranded on the side of the road for 2 hours until a trooper found them, and was kind enough to help them by putting on the spare tire. Thankfully, everyone was fine, and noone was hurt in any way, but my own mood had shifted.

I was comfortable with the idea of my wife and children travelingnad seeing America, and visiting the in-laws 2,000 miles away. I had even become comfortable with my own -mini-vacation without them. But once she mentioned it, all I could picture was all of the car accident scenes in all of the movies I had watched, and pictured our van rolling over and over. The thought scared me, and I felt each and every mile between myself and them. And so now I'm counting the hours until they return,and am not sure that I'll be able to relax completely until they've returned safe and sound.

The thought of losing not only one of them,but all of them would simply be too horrible on so many different levels. I've been left to imagine this week as what life would be without them at all. And while it's nice to walk around the house after a shower without having to worry about traumatizing anyone, it is of no consolation at the prospect of never hearing those musical giggles or the evening requests to be tucked in. The rest of the week will be torment for me.


My own Chicago Bears made a rather small move, in trading for FB Bryan Johnson in exchange for a low round draft pick. If he's starter grade and we pick him up for a 6th round pick, that is fine by me. But I know knothing about him, other than that he most likely isn't the same Brian Johnson who is the lead singer for AC/DC.

BUt even if he is, we've had a hole at lead singer for some time now, so it's a decent pick up.

The other possible joke is that even if he is the lead singer for AC/DC, he'd probably still be better than some of the stiffs we've put on on the field before. I'm just waiting on the draft at this point.

there is talk that they want to sign or trade for a veteran pass-rusher at DE, but they already have 2 young DE's who deserve a chance to prove that they can do the job and have shown potential for both now and the future. With so many other positions being filled with backup quality players (DT, OT, OLB, S, CB) I would rather they concentrate on that than trading away draft picks to add depth at positions already filled.

On the other hand, there is probably a reason the GM's have their job and I have mine.

The Twins are about to start the season, and I am anticipating a banner year for hot dog consumption. The thing that really scares me is the Victory Sports/Twins Channel vs the Cable companies issue. they are involved in a brouhaha over who should pay for it to be available on the basic cable service rather than on a premium or even a pay per view service. the real loser in this is of course, the fans, since they won't be able to see the games until it's resolved one way or the other. I don't know anything about the negotiations, but I have a gu feeling that both sides are going to standfirm until the season has already started and see who gets blamed more...the Twins or the cable companies. Once that happens, one of them might be forced to give in. We'll see how it shakes out, but it could be painful for some time.


Hometown Hotties Week 4!

OK, here's the deal. I maintained a master list of the lasses I had chosen, and kept record of them throughout the decision making process. Everything from the oringal choices, and put a slash through the names of the girsl I had cut until I finally had the 10 for that week. ONce the results were posted, I put a star next to the ones that I had selected, and a star next to the ones that has been cut as well. Apparently in my absence I have misplaced that list.

Thankfully, I have this page, so I can recreate much of the lost information without problem.

But it still bugs me that I can't find it. Grr.

Anyway, results for week 3 have yet to be posted, but we can go back to the week 2 results and see how we (I) did there.

Heidi of KS made it, and she was my first choice. Can't argue with logic there. Krstyl of FL was my 2nd finalist, and she made it as well. But Brandi of TX and Jasmine are missing, so I'm 2 for 4 so far. Gina of CA made it as well, and for good reason. So 3 of 5.

I have conflicted feelings about Lizzy of WI making it. Yes, I voted for her, and she certainly deserves to move on based off of her physical atributes, but secretly I had hoped that she wouldn't make the cut so I would not have to worry about a Packer fan winning the competition. C'et la vie. 4 of 6 so far.

next I chose Angelica of TX, and seeing her in the winners list does my heart good. Well, maybe not my heart, but you get the idea. A review of her pictures confirms why she made it.

Pamela of NJ made it too, and that brings my list of successful pics to 6. Tara of MT was a late cut,a nd in retrospect, I'm glad she made it. That was probably a bad decision on my part.

Carrie in TX, my apologies to you. What I didn't see to include you, I have no idea. Maybe it was the 2nd picture, which reminded me too much of Anna Kournakova. (As you might remember, OVER-RATED) Heather of KS, it was your 3rd picture that while very nice, showed too much bone for my particular tastes.

Kimi of Fl, I have no defense whatsoever. I apologize.

In looking here at the week 4 participants, we have some major work to do. However, I will say that there are only 9 spots available, because there won't be any list that I make that does not include Erica of FL, found in row 9, spot 6.


my sister was kind enought supply me withthe most recent Norah Jones CD. And while there again, all that needs to be said has already been said (not as good as the first, though decent; Plenty of country influence --bad-- including a duet with Dolly Pardon-indifferent-) I will say that it gets better with repeated listenings. It also turns out that it's her birthday today as well, at the ripe age of 25.

Obviously a woman who could win a few Hometown Hotties contests herself, if she wasn't so busy writing some truly inspired music.


I have my system back finally, but it will still be some time before I can update on a daily basis, as I need to load my own software on it. Additionally, It is woking off of Windows ME, since the repairer didn't have a Win 98 boot disk to work from. (I don't have the memory space available for anything newer, alas. Maybe the Father-in-law does, though. We'll find out. At worst, it will get me by until something better comes along. (PLEASE LET SOMETHING BETTER COME ALONG.)

Need something to ogle?

Well, here I ahd hoped that you read the Daily Update for the articles, but apparently not.
check out this site, the wife (ex-wife?) of Astros First Baseman Jeff Bagwell, Shaune Bagwell.

But lets be clear, I am not telling you to check out Gallery 8. Nudge nudge. Wink wink.

Goodnight, and pleasant dreams.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Song Quote of the week:

A hundred days had made me older since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lights had made me colder and I don’t think I can look at this the same
But all the miles had separate
They disappeared now when I’m dreaming of your face

I’m here without you baby but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight it’s only you and me


In 1512, Florida is found by Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon. (No relation to Ponch from "CHiPS", though. ) Mostly known for his quest of the mythical Fountain of Youth, Juan "PDL", (or "Leon", as his friends called him) never found it, but did meet his maker in 1521 thanks to an Indian attack. Magic Waters to restore your youth ain't going to help a hatchet in the back. (I don't really know how he died. Just speculating here. )

In 1794, President George Washington and Congress gave the thumbs-up on creating the United States Navy. Up to that point, they had been reliant upon France to provide them naval security from the Brits and the pirates of the day. Maybe even the Spaniards, for that matter. No sign of Juan PDL, though. Remember, he was killed. I'm sure the approval had been motivated by the fact that the French King had recently met the guillotine, and really wasn't in a position to provide the Naval support that they gave at one time. I'm not saying iot was the sole reason...it just provided an extra kick in the pants to get the Navy started. And now? If France has a Navy, I'm not aware of it. And I'm fairly sure there isn't a beter Navy in the world than our own. The Brits might give us a little bit of a run for the money, but I think we'd outnumber them pretty steadily. The Russians used to have quite a bit of pride in theirs, but after the Kursk incedent and hte collapse, it's taken quite a toll on the perception of that fleet.

In 1968, Soviet (Why isn't there an L in that word? When you say it, the tongue desperately wants to put an L in there. ) cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin died in a plane crash. Yuri was the first man to orbit the earth. Apparently, he had no control over the craft once he reached space, though there was an over-ride option if need be. After watching the film "K-19: The Widowmaker" last night, Yuri should have been mighty glad it worked at all.

In 1998, Pfizer came out with the miracle drug, Viagra. Currently, it faces STIFF competition from Cialis and Levitra, other anti-impotence drugs. Late night TV show host monologues haven't been the same since.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day/Week:

"Safe may'st thou wander, safe return again !"
Cymbeline, Act iii, Sc.5

As Buggs Bunny once said:

"Ah, me public!"

Did you miss me? I missed you as well. It has been a week full of things to write about, and to be honest, I am concerned that I won't be able to get to them all. However, after a week of nothing, my readers deserve the very most I CAN provide, which of course, I shall. Why the stalling? I dunno.

As I write this, and as some of you may be reading this, my gang of girls is driving towards Arizona. My own wife and 3 girls,and the neighbor and her youngest daughter. All totalled it brings us to 6 women in one van. Chevrolet has their Astro Van, and our Chrysler Town and COuntry just got turned into a Chrysler Estro-Van. I anticipated that I would be sorry to see them go, and then fall into bachelorhood routine after a few hours, eating pizza (my dinner alst night? 1/2 ofa Stawberry-rhubarb pie from Bakers Square, complete with Cool-Whip topping), playing video games and watching late night cable TV, not allowing the utter alone-ness and silence of the house get to me until maybe 2-3 days later.

It took all of 15 minutes.

I've found that I'll leave the TV's on in the various rooms just to simulate the regular noise that takes place in our home, just so that it seems a little more normal. Maybe I'll even leave the peanut butter and jelly out on the counter just to simulate their presence a little more. (Note: When you go so far as to rip apart a mattress in order to use the materials to construct life sized stuffed dolls to resemble your family, you've gone too far. )

Still, it was nice to play video games without being interupted. My sister picked up MLB 2005 from the makers at 989 Sports, which is a fantastic game, I must say. It has it's own franchise mode,and I've taken to it already, running my Franchise aground countless times. This will consume much of the time I had set aside in the noble aspiration of really CLEANING the house.

Which is not to say that we don't clean. We do, and often. But I'm talking about dusting the insides of the silverware drawers kind of cleaning. It won't happen. But when the wife gets back and finds that nothing has been done, I can point to this web site and show her that I had the very best of intentions of cleaning while she was gone.

Oh my! Look! A pretty sparkly road, leading into a dark tunnel! And look again! It's made out of a bunch of good intentions! Well, I simply must see where this leads!

Anyway, their leaving inspired the Song of the Day and the Shakespeare Quote of the day. the Song is one from 3 Doors Down, off of the Away From The Sun album. It's also their most recent hit. "Here Without You".

Man, it's going to be a LOOOOOOONG 7 days.

Word of the Day:

Debauchery -N. Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation.

As some of you might remember, I last left you with the news that Iw as going to be able to attend a friends Birthday party, complete with "dancers". I am happy to report that I was in attendance for said party, and a good time was had by all. The fine folks at AAA-Classic Dancers, Inc. (they have a website, but it's under contruction. So no use sending you there, unless you are going through the archives,a nd tehy get it up in between then and now, in which case it's www.aaa-clasicdancers.com) were kind enough to send along 3 nicely shaped women for our viewing pleasure.

The party started off with the strategic placement of $5 bills (because $1 bills are an insult, you know) randomly upon the Guest of Honor. Whilst they performed a striptease, they removed the $5 bills, and then asked us to do it yet again. So we place more Dead Presidents on the Birthday boy, and they proceeded to do the bump and grind lapdance for a while, as we looked on.

At one point, the were grinding away at his lap, and a thought crossed my mind that I dare not put voice to, but could not help but smile to myself. It reminded me somewhat of a dog with an itch, profoundly happy that it found a brown shag carpet with which to satisfy it's posterior annoyance. Something told me that offering a tube of Preperation H would not have endeared me to our dancers however, so I kept my observations to myself.

Once complete, we then moved onto a competition! Specifically, who could remove the panties of the dancers fastest, using only their teeth. The contestants were chosen by Birthday Boy, and yours truly was one of the lucky chosen. Seeing as how the bikini bottoms were rather snug fitting, however,a nd not wanting to leave any bite marks so early in the vening, I finished 2nd to Birthday Boy's wife.

The next competition involved a race of sorts. Small dollups of Reddi-Whip were placed along each leg, 2 on the belly, and one on each nipple, presumably for temporary modesty. It was then up to the 3 contestants to clean off the whipped topping as quickly and cleanly as posible, with the winner getting $20 of valuable services later on, essentially earning back the entry fee for the Race Around the Whipped Track.

"Entry fee". Ha ha.

Ok, Never mind.

(Sidebar: Does Reddi-Whip have any idea how much they contribute to the sexual lives of American society, or the society of their market? Something tells me they do, though I don't think they readily acknowledge it. Cool Whip is probably viewed as a higher quality product for whipped topping, but it is much less accurate, and much more awkward than the Reddi-Whip cans. At least, based off of my observations, mind you. Another funny note: the Reddi-Whip site asks you to provide your OWN Reddi Whip Real Moment. Something tells me you won't see some of the more provocotive stories listed. Secretly though, they'll be more than happy to collect the profits thanks to the Whipped creme bikini scene in both Varsity Blues and Not Another Teen Movie.)

I am happy to report, that your intrepid reporter finished first (shutup! Just SHUT UP!) with gusto, nearly "lapping" the competition, not to mention my team-mate, so to speak.

For my "winnings" I was given 2 free body shots, which was shown as a tutorial for the others as to how we were to perform the body shots. Apple Pucker, or any other liquor handy, would be poured into the navels of the woman of your choice. Whipped cream would form a ring around the belly button, which you were encouraged to clean off after sucking said liquor out.


Heady with giddyness (or giddy with headyness), I demonstrated to the best of my ability and then awaited the next item on the schedule.

The last piece on the menu was the Grand Finale Lesbian Show! Well, huzzah! this was what I had been awaiting! this would top off the night just fine, thankyouverymuch. Now, knowing my audience as I do, this might be something that you yourselves get to see on a more regular basis than I. But since it isn't part of my regular routine, it still holds a certain air of mystery and intruige for me to see 2 (or more) women engaged in acts of (insert description here).

Small catch. Well, make that large catch. It cost $100 per girl for the show. There were 3 girls. And we had a collective amount of $85.

The floor show was not to be. instead, we were treated to dances of the lap until all of the money (YES JUST THE MONEY) was spent.

Hometown Hotties, Week 3:

Since we're on the topic of beautiful women, and since I am running out of time to post, let's make sure that we get this out of the way quickly. My lack of access to the internet has not been corrected as of yet, allowing me only a curosry glance at this weeks competitors.

We'll check on last weeks winners later this week, and provide feedback there. We're more interested in getting the final 10 nailed down for this week.

I was able to narrow down my own list to a finals list of 19. Brandi of TX, Nalinee of NY, Marsha of CA, Logan of ME, Twyla of CO, Phelony of CA (I'm sure she's heard them all, especially at the age of 17 or so), Kimberly of DE, Lidia of TX, Michelle of FL, Kori of OR, Holly of NV, Aubre of MD, Jolene of NE, Angela of NC, celeste of WA< Heather of OH, Gina of CA, and Ella of MT.


Now, time to cut a few. Melissa is very pretty, but I like not her belly button tattoo. Gone, she is. Brandi? We'll come back to her.

Nalinee is just making the cut. she just is. Very pretty, and has a pretty smile, and...the only fault I can find with her is that compared to the other girls, she isn't as chesty. And that isn't any reason to kick her out, since the others have much worse transgressions. Marsha of CA is in, though the makeup looks to be a bit overdone. Whatever. SHe's hot. SHe's on the list as well.

Logan is hot. Or she wouldn't have been amongst the original 19. But it seems as though there is something a bit plain about her, as though the photo is hot, more than it is her that is. But there is a fantastic chance I am way off base on that one. Either way, she is cut. That has more to do with being able to make a cut even thoughit's hard to do.

Twyla? Can't make up my mind. Let's see how she stacks up against some of the others.

Oh, Phelony is next. No puns here about it would be a her if she wan't in the final 10. She is, and we'll leave it at that 3 spots spoken for, with 7 left.

Kimberly in DE is quite a bit different than what we've chosen in the past, and maybe it's that exotic flair in her that speaks to me, but she makes it 6 spots, since she's taking one for her own.

Lidia is up next. She spells her name incorrectly, but she is EXTREMELY hot, much like my own Lydia. 5 spots, and the competition is fierce.

Ooof. Michelle of Fl takes YET ANOTHER spot and we only have 4 spots left. However, Neither Kori of OR or Holly of NV are able to kep up the momentum, withHolly eing cut altogeather. Kori of OR is still in the mix, but Holly of NV while hot....just doesn't measure up.

Aubre of MD looks fantastic, and has some amazing eyes. However, when I look at her, I think of Arnold of Jason Patcik from the Terminator movies. Cold. Fierce. Angry. Determined. Admitting that I am wrong when I say this becaue I don't know her at all, I look at her and think to myself "She's got the make-up to be a bitch." And we're not talking foundation and eye-liner, folks.

Jolene on the other hand, has a genunine smile throughout all of her pictures, and gets spot # 7.THAT is what showing a softer side will get you. Angela of NC gets spot #8 not for her soft sides, or curves for that matter...wait, what am I saying. THat's exactly why. Very appealing. She can sit on top of my ice cream any day.

Celeste of WA is eye-popping amazing,a nd while it looks a little too commercial, she gets spot # 9. It would be better if her natural beauty was able to shine through, rather than the manufactured look provided, but I'm not complaining either way.

Heather of OH is a really really tough cut, but she doesn't have the classic beauty that you might expect. She's a little funny faced, though not necessarily in a bad way. SHe smiles and looks great, but I can't bring myself to select her.

Ella of Mt competes with Gina of CA, and while Ella is fantastic, she's a little thin here and there. Normally, she'd be in the Top 10 without nay problems at this stage, but Gina of CA just blows her away with a gorgeous smile in all of her pictures, to go with a smoldering presence in front of the camera.

We'll see how many of them end up in the MAXIM winners for the week. For instance, I don't know if I like Jolene of NE's chances of making the final 10, since she didn't show as much skin as some others, nor does Twyla necessarily appeal to the masses as she might with me. What I am trying to say is that I problably didn't do well with the results MAXIM will have, but I feel good about my choices.

We'll talk more on tuesday hopefully, where I'll let you know how I'm dealing with my lonliness, and a review of The Passion of the Christ, which I saw last week. And if you're interested, I'll let you know how my visit with my sister went.

Talk to you then.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Song Quote of the Week:
Honey, just allow me one more chance
To ride your aeroplane.
Honey, just allow me one more chance
To ride your passenger train.
Well, I've been lookin' all over
For a gal like you,
I can't find nobody
So you'll have to do.
Just-a one kind favor I ask you,
'Low me just-a one more chance.

This Day in History:

In 1837, future president Grover Cleveland was born. By future, I mean the future for 1837. Unless there is some sort of breakthrough in bringing back the dead. But who is going to vote for Grover when just about EVERYONE agrees that Cookie Monster has a better domestic policy?

"A cookie in every oven!"

IN 1931, Shick Inc. came out with the first electric razor. Personally, I've never had much luck with electric razors, and have stuck with the acoustic version, so to speak. Current Model: A Gillette Mach 3 Turbo (both blue and a gray one), because it's "The Best A Man Can Get". Well, not really, but it does the job on all fronts.

IN 1965, Aleksei Leonov performed the first spacewalk for the Solviet Space Agency. Breakdancing followed a "few" years later.


abattoir \AB-uh-twahr\, noun:
A slaughterhouse.

Shakespeare Quote of the Day:

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none"
All's Well, Act i, Sc.2

Forgive me, sometimes I miss certain parts of the OLD Daily UPdate. I'm sure that some of you do as well.

So...where did we leave off last? Ah, yes. $500 for brake pad and rotor replacement. That has been taken care of. We won't say how we got the money...we just got it, and we ahve a bit of a payment plan to put into place.

So, the van has new brake pads and rotors, and needs new tires. Maybe we can do the Fred Flintstone bit, carve our own, and go that route. At it's cheapest, tires are gonna run about $190-$200.

Anyway, it's best not to get to worked up about finances. MOney comes and money goes (mostly goes), but severe deprsssion is here to stay!

(No, not really.)

With the wife having quit her job at Babies R Us, that frees her up to pick up my sis at the airport, while I support my friend at his birthday party. (Someone has to keep him from getting into trouble, after all. ) Approval was given from all parties involved. Will there be a report on the evening's activities? Well.....we'll see.


Minnesota's own -Prince- was inducted into the Music Hall of Fame this past week. I've always appreciated his music, though some of it was even too funky for my tastes. But it's all him, hard edge and all.

The Star Tribune did a special section on him, from the voices of those around him who knew him best. One story stood out as the most surreal moment I have heard of, that being a ping pong match between him and the King of Pop.

Quoted from the Star Tribune "DAVID Z: I was mixing the soundtrack at a soundstage in Los Angeles. I pull up with two huge tapes under my arms, and I see Prince talking to somebody. 'David, do you know Michael Jackson?' 'Hi, nice to meet you.' The difference in their voices was incredible: Prince had a real low voice and [Jackson] had a real high voice.

In this soundstage, there was a pingpong table. They come in with their bodyguards. Prince says, 'You want to play pingpong?' Michael says, 'I don't know how to play, but I'll try.' The whole crew stops working to watch them play. Pretty soon, Prince says to Michael, 'You want me to slam it?' Michael drops his paddle and holds his hands up in front of his face so the ball won't hit him. Needless to say, the game is over. Michael walks out with his bodyguard. And Prince starts strutting around like a rooster. 'Did you see that? He played like Helen Keller.'"

And to add to the weirdness, there was this : WENDY MELVOIN: Those warehouses were incredible breeding grounds for creativity. The Time was in one room rehearsing, and we'd be in the other. Prince was in the midst of doing the Family record. He was really driven, and his moods started getting more serious. He didn't have a lot of time for fun, except he would go outside and play basketball -- in the [high] heels, which he's now paying for, I'm sure. With his heels on, he could run faster than me, and I was wearing tennies.

Which is not to say that I'm any better. But the moments themselves out of context are beyond description, and I'm not sure that I oculd process a mental image like that on my own unless I had heard the stories.

The best part about it was a scene from the popular Chappelle Show, on Comedy Central. It stars Dave Chappelle, who is well known for his 7Up commercials, amongst others. IT's a bit more raw then most shows, but it has it's good parts. One of those moments was one of his production assistants, Charlie Murphy and his True Hollywood Stories. One of them happened to be about Prince playing basketball against Eddie Murphy while still wearing his stage costumes. Funny as heck, but creepy after the Wendy revelation.

For extra hilarity, check out the "PopCOPY" bit here.

Science News:

According to this story on Yahoo! News, NASA is re-starting up the supersonic tests, and want to try to reach 6,000 mph. Now that's danged fast, but according to this story, that's only HALF this things' speed. Now, this thing isn't going to be used to take pictures, since I imagine any picture taken while it goes by at 10,000 mph is going to look like some sort of ink blot test. All the more power to them though....if this works maybe they can come up with a way to launch a Shuttle-like craft by having it take off and land like a plane, rather than strapping a rocket to it's belly and sending it up that way.


THe Hometown Hotties contest has kicked into the 2nd week. Winners were announced from last week, where 6 of the 10 I had chosen moved onto the next round. That's a pretty good #, considering there was 100 girls to choose from.

This round, I had a harder time finding premier hot-ness, though plenty who were solid. A lot of ground-rule doubles rather than HOME RUN types, in a manner of speaking.

So far, I've been able to narrow down my original list of 26 to 17. We've got Jaqi of MD (row 2, spot 2), Loretta, KS (row 3 spot 5), Trina of IL, Tina of MI, and Pamela of NJ (Row 3, spots 1-3) Tara of MT (row 3 spot 6), Heidi of KS (row 3, spot 10), Kristyl of FL (Row 4, spot 10), Jessica of Ca (row 5 spot 4) Brandy of TX (row 5 spot 6), Jasmine of CA (row 5 spot 7), Gina of CA (row 6 spot 3), Lizzy of WI (row 6 spot 10), Kelly of CA (row 7 spot 7), Angelica of TX ( row 7 spot 10), Ginni of CA (row 8 spot 5), and Emily of VA (row 10 spot 6.)

Most will be suprised with Lizzy of WI, who is indeed a Packers fan. However, her beauty was able to overcome that massive strike against her.

We'll cut Jaqi, since she is hot, but also is very plain. That leaves 16.

Loretta has red hair, but it's obviously not her real color. this is neither a complaint or a benefit.

Trina of IL has a rather long face in the first picture, but an impish look in the 2nd (which I dig), and a classic pin-up pose in the 3rd. Is it enough to carry her into the final 10 though? there is some highly contested competition for the last 10 spots.

Tina represents the state of MI very well, even with the belly button jewelry.

Pamela of NJ doesn't smile much, but....I can't cut her for that. Man, this is getting HARD. (The decisions, not what you might be thinking.)

Heidi of KS happens to have the same swimsuit as Loretta did. It works more for Heidi, who is the first to garauntee one of the FINAL 10 spots.

9 spots left, until I took a second look at Kristyl of FL. Now there is 8 spots, and things are heating up. (the competition, not...well you get the idea.)

There is Jessica of CA, who does not have much for a shooting studio, but we can't hold that against her. What CAN we hold against her? The mind reels at the possibilities. The hooker boots and the eye makeup is a bit uh.......well it is what it is. Not enough to knock her from contention, but I can't garauntee a spot YET.

Brandy of TX and Jasmine of CA are in, though, with Jasmine's 2nd phto showing my favorite apparel so far.

Wow. Down to just 6 spots left already. Gina of CA shows off her best ASSets, and also a pearl necklace. (No, not that.) Hot? Yes. Enough? uhhh.....lemme get back to you.

Lizzy of WI is there,a nd I want to eliminate her SOOOOO badly, but simply can't. My mind keeps telling me that "She's a Packers Fan!", but the rest of me can't get over the pictures. The last picture shows the least amount of her, but happens to be the most erotic; showing her eating a piece of melon. I could spend time describing the jices of the melon slicking the sides of her mouth and cheeks, but....there are some things I just can't go into any further.
Against my better judgement, Lizzy is in.

That leaves 5 spots, and we have 4 girls to go yet.

Kelly in CA for example, has lots of fun on her pictures. However, I'm not ready to commit just yet.

Angelica in TX wraps up another spot, with her own take on swimming suits, going with ones that will wash off, given enough soap.

Ginni is very pretty, and I would love to add some variety to my selections. Her body is fantastic, but I'll have to eliminate her as her face is a bit too angular for my tastes. Keeping in mind, were I not married, I wouldn't have even considered it an issue.

Lastly,we have Emily in VA. Emily looks a bit snobbish, and has some belly jewelry, and a bit of a spoiled brat, to be honest. Something about putting her oin her place....whoo.

Let's go back and review before we add her in there.

Loretta is out, simply because there is too much tough competition,and she didn't smile in any of her photos.

Trina of IL and Jessica of CA are out, for issues too small that I'm ashamed to even mention. That leaves 6 girls for 4 spots.

We'll cut Emily of VA, and regret doing it instantly.

i"m cutting Tara of MT, but hate doing so. However, I think I was enamoured with eh idea of a girl from MT maknig the cut. Well, that and her tush.

SO Tina of MI, Pamela of NJ, Gina of CA and Kelly of CA all make the final cut, and I'm SPENT!

MOre next week. Or not. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for your patronage. Feel free to point out where I've gone wrong...jsut don't expect me to agree.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Well, it's ABOUT TIME things went right for us. This past weekend marked the oldest daughter's birthday. 9 years old. So, as mentioned before, we went to Libby Lu's for her birthday. Everyone got made up like a rock star, complete with glittery nail polish, and glittery lip gloss, and glitter on our cheeks, and sprinkled in our hair, and glitter in our eyes ("I can only see a horrible rainbow!"). Had we not been careful, I'm fairly sure glitter would have shown up in our urinary tract. Painful yes, but noone said the world of fashion didn't come at a high cost.

The place was covered in pinks and purples,and light blues and such, as you would expect a store that caters to girls all of 9 or 10 years old. And as I looked about, I realized that not only was I the only male within my own family, or the only guy in our entire birthday party, but including staff and other customers...I accounted for the only male genetalia.

(Which is why it's such a good thing that I am as large as I am in that area, so that I can balance out such an inequality. )

(He adds with a nervous false-bravado. )

(Then realizes nobody was buying it in the first place, negating the need for the second comment in parentheses. )

We had the original 4 out of my own family, 6 children that were NOT my own, and 3 other female parents that were there to lend a hand. About 6 or 7 staff members, and countless other little consumers coming and going throughout the 2 hours we were there. A saint in a land of sinners, I was.

God has a funny sense of humor, you see. I often wanted to be surrounded by girls, but this was hardly what I had in mind. I'll have to be more specific in my next life, should such a thing as re-incarnation exist.

Once the girls were completely dolled up, they were sent to the front of the store to perform a dance # for the rest of the mall, then back into the store for pictures, and then the party was over. OPen gifts, go home to rest, and then out to FuddRucker's for a Birthday dinner. Home again Home again, jiggety jig...cake and bed. Whew... that was the end to an uneventful weekend, right? Uh...no.

The followin morning, I had to work downtown for a professional sports team. A co-worker picked me up and took me down there, yet I had mistakenly brought the only van keys we had with me. So here I am, downtown, 30 minutes form home, and the wife is about to head out to her job in jst a little bit.


Called home and apologized profusely, and explained that I had the keys that she would need to go to work. But with a little bit of negotiating, she was able to get the Neighborhood Nanny to take her to work without problems. So, drama is over, correct? No.

After I finish work, I get home to find the Neighborhood Nanny's boyfriend watching the girls. Where is Neighborhood Nanny? She left to pick up the wife. It's 4pm,and she was supposed to work until 7pm. Something is amiss here.

When the wife returns home, it is readily apparent. Crying, she explains that despite the fact tha she was an able and competant cashier/customer service associate for the Babies R Us corportation, the punk teenagers they have hired there had seniority. Unable to comprehend that she might know what she was doing, they had constantly badgered her to do her job correctly (even though she was), to where she couldn't take the criticism any longer and walked out.

Fine. That treatment is all well and good for the teenie-boppers they hire usually, but not to someone who capably handles whatever is the task at hand, and happens to be about 5-10 years older. Our suspicion is some sort of jealousy on their part, or some feeling of being threatened by someone who understand what it means to provide customer service. Sour grapes? Sure. But it's turning into the sweetest wine for us.

Less than 24 hours later, the wife got a call form the local school district. Seems that they want her and a friend to teach sewing classes at nights. So she has an interview later this week for that to work out specifics. She went to the fabric store to gather togeather some supplies, and as she was ringing out, the subject came up. The cashier called the manager over, and the manager has asked her to bring in some samples of her work, withthe idea that she might be able to teach some classes for them. Not to mention that she too will be working the phones for the Minnesota Twins, as well.

Earlier in the day, she ran in to her previous boyfriend before me. A chance for him to see what he missed out on, I suppose. I'm much too civilized to gloat about how much better our lives our than his, and how much better I treat her than he did. And I'm certainly not going to bring up his bitter comment when he compared me to a weasel, or the fact that I walked like a weasel.

OK, so I am going to bring up those things. It's the weasel in me. But weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Word also has come back that my home CPU system was too old to recognize a 40 gig drive. It will read it fine, but it has a hard time recognizing it. It's being loaded with Windows ME until I can come up with something better. The 40 gig drive had 5 GIG of information on it, but what I have no idea. We'll find out when I get it abck. It will still take some time to re-load the programs back onto it. We'll see how it turns out. There is hope in the far off future of "upgrading" to a used Gateway Pentium 2 that I am aware of, but...we'll have to see how things turn out.

The Bears were able to sign OT John Tait, and are pretty much done with free agency, thoguh they may sign another OT just to be safe, or maybe Warren Sapp if his price comes down to a reasonable level. Rookie QB Rex Grossman is probably the happiest, considering that he's got some linemna with actual ability in front of him, rather than Frankenstien mosters assembled from the scraps of previous failures.

Now the attention turns to the draft, where they'll eihter go for a Wr, or for a defensive tackle. I don't really ahve a preference, though we are loaded at Wr. The real question is...are any of them a good fit for hte new offense? Don't know. If Texas Wr Roy Williams is available, I'd grab him, but more than likely he'll be gone. That leaves it up to the best player available, though leaning towards DT than any other position.

For a Bears fan, it sounds like they've got the right idea, though you can't help but guard yourself against disapointment.

FYI....Maxim has moved onto week 2 for their Hometown Hoties contest. I will review and check back with you later this week.

UPDATE: Looks as though I spoke too soon on the things oging good for us thing: turns out that the brake pads and rotors on the van need to be replaced. At the tune of about $500. Which I don't have. Ugh. If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have.....money to sepnd I guess.

Time to hit the neighbor up for some limo jobs, and make some cash on the side, if possible.

I need a pick-me-up. And the news about Denise Richards having a baby girl with Charlie Sheen (who has done nothing of note to deserve her) isn't going to help.

Who is Denise Richards?

I'm glad you asked.

More to write later. For right now, I ahve to call around and see what they'll give me for my blood.

Friday, March 12, 2004

NASA recently revealed to the world a picture that was taken by the Hubble telescope over the span of 400 orbits. THey pointed it at one particular point in the sky, and focused it there for quite some time. The result? Well over 10,000 GALAXIES. Not stars; actual galaxies. Filled with millions of stars themselves. Just another reminder to you how incomprehensible the universe is. And for anyone to say that we are the only form of life in the entire universe....sorry. It's out there somewhere. And maybe the universe is so big to allow all forms of life to grow on their own without interfering with each other.

The other mind blowing fact? They're picking up light in that same image that is 13 Billion years old. For 13 Billion years, that light was streaking through space AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT to reach us. They figure that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, so the light we see in the image was from the universe's infancy.

I can't even wrap my mind around part of that, much less digest the entire thought.

Tomorrow is my oldest daughter's birthday. And if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have all that I do today. Without her, maybe the wife (then girlfriend) and I would have called it off. Not that we had reason to. But maybe once college started, she would have gone her way, and I would have went mine. Instead, we had a baby togeather. As time went by, we got married, and had more babies togeather. But she is the glue that held us togeather for so many years, I can't imagine what we would do without her.

So for her birthday, she's chosen to go to Libby Lu's, which is an extreme makeover-type place for little girls at one of the local malls. Past Birthdays have included a sleep over at a hotel including swimming, Bowling, Skateland, the Minnesota Zoo, the required Chuck E Cheese...I tell you it gets hard to be creative year after year.

This year, she's bringing along about 6-7 friends to go with her, and they'll get their makeovers. We've even been nice enough to invite our 3 year old sister Anna with. Once that is done, we'll go someplace, possibly home, for pizza and presents and cake. And then the day will be done. It's not much, but bigger things are in store later on.

And then on Sunday, it's off to the Beta-job, where I'll put in a few hours sell some tickets, and head home to finish off the day. So not a huge amount planned for the weekend at this point. The home system has been analyzed by a co-worker,a dn the verdict is what I expected: maind hard drive is kaput, and the 2nd hard drive could not be read. I'm getting a second opinion to be sure, but it looks like I'll just ahve to stage the 40 gig drive w/ a Windows OS and re-load all of the programs that were once there before. Once that is done, maybe in the next 2 weeks or so, we'll have daily updates again.

Speaking of the beta-job, the wife finally heard back that her interview was a success, she will be working with me side by side. Maybe we'll arouse suspicions if we happen to head to the bathroom at the same time togeather. Or maybe not. Either way, she'll get to see what an *ss Sid Hartman can be. He's a local scribe who waffles on all issues all the time. If the Vikings were to win 1 game, it's a sign they're going to the next 5 straight Super Bowls.

And maybe some of the gay ones too.


And if they lose a game, he'll declare it's the first sign of the apocolypse. Now, as I've described i, he sounds no different than any other typical Vikings fan. BUt trust me....he'll do it with baseball too. And there's 162 games in baseball.


MaximOnline.com has started up their 2nd (?) annual Hometown Hotties contest, asking the readers/viewers to vote on 10 of 100 girls per week for the next 10 weeks. I've decided to do my part, and resolve to vote each week, and allow you the ability to critique along with me, as I report on whom I vote and do not vote for, with reasons given for some along the way.

Feel free to challenge me on them if you wish, but keep in mind that we all have our own voting criteria. Mine?

I first look for women who invoke a real response from...a girl who makes me take notice, without coming across as completely fake. (Note: this does not mean that we will vote against enhanced breasts....)

Once I have reduced it down to a more manageable list (21 this week), I then go through thinning out the group by going through the bios, and eliminating those who I don't agree with....Packers fans, for example.

Ok, maybe that's a little rough. But it does severely limit their ability to make the final 10. they'd have to overcome alot with their looks to get past that sort of liability.

Another example are tatoos. I'm not necesarily against tatoos, as long as they are small. If it's a large tattoo, it's a bit o a turnoff. A perfect example is Noel of Coatesville, PA. She's very pretty, and has the type of eye-catching pictures you look for. Her sensuality really comes through in the picture. But I couldn't bring myself to vote for her because of the large tat on her lower back. What made it even harder is that she was unique enough to use black and white. While not for everyone, it really set her apart. If they all did black and white, it'd be terrible. But a few girls doing it works really well.

And there is such a thing as too many piercings. Finding a girl these days who doesn't have a piercing in an odd place or a tatoo is more rare than the ones that have them! I'm not against them per se.....it just helps if they don't.

So without further ado, I've determined that the following are moving on for sure, on my ballot sheet. There is Maggie from CT (Row 1, spot 8), who's smoldering in every one of her pics, and while she DOES have a tatoo, it's small and is cute; a blue butterfly. There is Elizabeth from MD (row 3 spot 5) who might be a bit more plain then the others, but is consistently hot through each of them. Sarah in AZ (row 7 spot 9) also made the cut, one of the few blondes in my selections. Heather in FL (row 8 spot3) is even rarer, since she is a redhead, and that's usually not my style. But her smile is very pretty, and she takes good care of herself, form the looks of it. Another Heather made it, this one from KS (row 10 spot 10). She was the first one I KNEW would be moving on from my ballot.

That leaves 5 spots for Shannon of NC (row 1, spot 9), Christina Lee of IL (row 2 spot 9), Ashley of NC (row 3 spot 7), Kaylie of CA (row 4 spot 4), Sarah of TX (row 4 spot 8), Alicia of CA (row 4 spot 10), Mindy from MO (row 5 spot 3), Jaclyn of NC (row 7 spot 10) and Nicole of CA (row 9 spot 7).

Nicole of CA is very pretty,and I can see that she'd be the type o work out,a nd enjoy hard rock,a nd probably has kind of a scraggly voice (though that sound mean to say, I don't mean it that was. Just kind of raspy in a way.) It looks as though she'd kick my ass, and I'm easily intimidated. Sorry Nicole. Crossing you off the list.

As much as I appreciate Kaylie being risque' in her pictures, I can't help but think that if we were dating,s he'd have no regard for my feelings at all. A hard woman, who'd carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding. (Billy JOel there, folks. ) I think that I need to get past the "oooh look! Breasts! " part, and once i do that, I'm not entirely sure that she'd be what I'm looking for. Kaylie is out too.

So that leaves 7 people to fill 5 spots. Sarah in TX could ALSO kick my ass, as she is a kickboxer. She has a belly button ring, AND a tatoo. Gone right? Nah. SHe's consistently beautiful in all of her pictures (there are many examples of the opposite throughout), and she SMILES! What a difference that makes! SOme look as though they're bored or being forced to have their picture taken. If thee isn't any enthusiasm....forget it. Sarah In TX has it all in spades, so she's moving on. Alicia in CA moves on as well, which is surprising because of the red air thing again. I don't think the color is natural though. She had alot to overcome with that 2nd picture, which didn't flatter her face. But being a Bears fan certainally helped her cause.

Christina Lee is very pretty, but I just couldn't bring meyself to put her intot he final group. I can't find fault per se....it's just that the others seemed to speak to me more.

That leaves 4 girls for the last 3 spots. This is the hardest part, because I can't really choose between them, but I have to. So I'm going to eliminate Shannon of NC. I love girls of all types...latinas, asian girls, Nordic....and Shannon is one of the few girls in the group I have that show some diversity. But she never smiled in any of her pictures, as hot as they were.

So we'll round out the ballot with the final 3, and call it a day. Feel free to point out where I might have went wrong.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Back in the very early 80's I was quite content in my own little existence, playing with my toys, going to kindergarten, and going to sleep in my bunkbed, even though I was an only child. Well, yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of the day that it ALLLLL changed.

I remember I was sleeping in my bed, when my Dad (I think) came in and woke me up. It was very early in the morning, because it was still very very dark out. We drove across town to Moorhead, to my Cousin Carrie's house, where I was allowed to drift off to sleep once again.

When I awoke, I learned that I had a sibling. I can't remember exactly when I found out it was a girl, though in all perfect honesty I had been rooting for a brother. I do know that my parents prepared me as best they could, by letting me listen to the baby,a nd feel it kick and all of that. But this was all more REAL now.

At some point, I was taken to the hospital, and was able to peek into the nursery. With so many babies in there, it was hard to tell which one was my sister. I remember lots of family members standing around me, getting in the way, and preventing me from figuring out which one was ours. I didn't get to hold "the baby", but everyone else did.

Fine. I don't want to hold the baby. It's stinky anyway. Besides, I'm cute too.

Building resentment towards your baby sister is no way to begin a sibling relationship. And as I look back over the years, I have to really give myself a great amount of credit for being as tolerant as I was, while still being a terrific older brother, providing her with a role model to follow.

OK, that last part was pure crap.

I love my sister, and I wish her the best on her Birthday.


One of the worst things you can do with the Sunday paper is to go browsing through the Best Buy or Circuit City add with nothing specific in mind. If you have a set product that you are looking for, then it works to your benefit to check out the ads. But idle hands and a full pocketbook become the debbil's workshop.

For instance, I had nothing to shop for this past Sunday while perusing the ad, and then I did. I came across the newest release of EA Sports' MVP Baseball 2004. (A fine birthday gift suggestion, for those that are looking for ideas. ) With a dynasty mode, ability to trade players,a nd a minor league setting...it's everything I ever wanted in a video baseball game. And it's $50. $50 that I do not have. Drat the luck!

Chances that I will purchase this game while the wife is in Arizona, and use that as bitter justification for such a frivolous purchase? Oh...that is very high. I can blame her, and say that I never would have been so careless with money if she had stayed at home, rather than running away for a week. I mean, after all, I needed to entertain myself since no one else was around, and Showtime only puts "Family Business" on after 10pm. So that left me with plenty of hours to fill on my own.

Maybe it's better off that I don't buy the game anyway. Like any other male, I'm never satisfied with the amount of lovin' I get. But when I bring this issue up to the wife, she's less than sympathetic. Apparently, she'd have more energy if she didn't have to clean up the house all the time by herself.

So I do the dishes. How about now?


Fine. I'm gonna go play video games then. And would it kill you to clean this house a little? It's a mess.

(Note: Don't worry. I know who's the one at fault there. The kids. They NEVER clean. Especially the youngest one. Just because you're 2 years removed from the womb doesn't mean you can be a contributing member of this family, missy!)

Link of the Week:

Mia proves that women who wear baseball caps, and are comfortable doing so, are very hot. Judge for yourself. Why doesn't baseball have cheerleaders? Because part of the fun of a baseball game is scouting the crowds for girls like this.

And in the interest of being equal opportunity, here is Mr. Josh Hartnett.

A local boy originating from Minnesota, he's starred in quite a few films, and seems to have the chops for some bigger roles. We'll see if he's allowed to grow into them.


Schindler's List comes out on DVD as well, today. That was another thing in the Best Buy advert. That caught my attention. I love the movie, though it's obviously not one that you walk out of the theater feeling happy about. And it's probably not a movie I should watch while in a depressed state when the wife and kids have been gone for 4 or 5 days. Some things just aren't conducive to proper mental health. (Why I worry about that NOW, I can't explain. )

The soundtrack itself is enough to drive some into weeping.

Quote of the week:

Baseball is always played out in the sunshine, where the air is pure and the grass is green, and there is something about the game...which teaches one to win or lose as a gentleman should, and that is a very fine thing to learn. -Christy Mathewson

Since we're talking about baseball, let's talk about the big issue going around right now, which is whether or not this person or that is using steroids. Barry Bonds is the one most mentioned. Now, he's come out and denied that he used steroids for quite some time. Then it was learned that he had a connection with a guy who was dealing steroids. Still he denied it. Then it was learned that he, amongst other baseball players, received packages from the same guy, and those packages were steroids. And he still denies it. Ok, Barry.

He deserves the benefit of the doubt, and there is the innocent before proven guilty thing. However (and you knew it was coming), if it should come out later that he DID take steroids...it'd be really hard for him to come forward after painting himself into a corner like that. We'll just call him Pete Rose Jr.

In football, the Vikings have been busy, adding a cornerback on a top-flight level, even if he's only 5'9". Antwoin Winfield is one of the best tackling corners, which is good for sweeps and end arounds and such, plenty of speed, and respectable jumping ability. With as bad as the Vikes secondary has been, this will help them out wonderfully. They still need some faster LB's however, or the off-tackle runs are going to eat them alive.

Offensively, they've signed former Bears WR Marcus Robinson, who is tall, lanky, has good hands, and can fight for the ball. His ability to play isn't in question though...it's his ability to stay healthy. If he only plays 5 games, then what's the use? Still, the benefits he adds to the team far outweigh the risk he poses, especially since he was signed to a decent contract that wasn't out of line.

Meanwhile in Chi-town, the Bears are waiting to find out if they will be able to sign John Tait, an OL from the Chiefs. Seeing as how we have only 2 players we can count on when the season starts on the OL, it would help to add Tait, who would be a 3rd lineman we can count on as a starting level player.

As the line shakes out, the entire right side would be set, with Tait at RT, Mike Gandy at RG (moving from LT to Rg where he is more suited) and Pro-bowler Olin Kruetz at C. that leaves an oft-injured Tucker at LG, and a vacuum at LT. They have a kid named Mitchell they like, though he hasn't proven that he can handle the position over the long-haul yet, and with a near-rookie QB behind the line....well, let's just say I hope their shopping doesn't end there.

There are also rumors in the Chicago Tribune that we're interested in Warren Sapp if the money is reasonable. I wouldn't mind adding his talent, but he can leave the mouth at home. it'd be nice to see him taking down Brett Favre again, but I just don't believe he's gonna keep his motor running all season. I think he's gotten to the point of his career where he is satisfied with what he is already accomplished, and doesn't have the drive to win another Super Bowl.

But I'd love to be wrong.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Ok, I couldn't stay away. I found myself wanting to write, so I'm being stealthy.

Besides, I've got lots to write about, from accolades to my creator to NFL free agent talk to schedule conflicts to work strife to some sort of assasination attempt by the 3 year old on her own mother and siblings. Hmmm....what to talk about first?

First and foremost, many happy birthday wishes to my own father on what is his 35th birthday today. OK, maybe not 35. He is of an age, and that is all that needs to be known.

When you are growing up, the only real birthday that matteers to you is your own, since you get to choose what kind of cake, and you are the one getting the presents, and all of that. Mom and Dad have a birthday? Pffft. A lame italian dinner (when birthdays OBVIOUSLY require PIZZA) and an early bedtime. Or, the other possibility is a babysitter, and still no cake or ice cream! And an early bedtime, since the babysitter doesn't want to have to watch over you any longer than she has to.

Man, once you get past 14, birthdays don't mean ANY FUN at all. Or so you nthink when you're a kid. And then you turn 14, and your ideal birthday gift involves the teenage girl in the apartment complex across from you who unknowingly (?) passed in front of her window wearing just her underclothing. That pretty much is it for birthday wishes for the rest of your life, though at some point alchohol enters into the mix. It's entirely possible that all you wish for beyond 40 years old is a steak dinner that won't give you gas, and a comfortable chair to nod off in when you get home.

In all seriousness, Dad, thank you for all of the guidance over the years, especially recently. I understand more and morehow hard your job was to raise us kids as I sit in on Parent-teacher conferences, and dinners, and help kids with homework, and all of the things that come with being responsible for someoen else's life. And the more I understand, the more I understand I'll never be able to properly thank you for it all.

So I'll just post a picture of Monica Bellucci and call it even.

Sophia Loren she's not, but she's hot nonetheless, and while I'm not crazy about her smoking...is anyone REALLY looking at the cigarette? Come on now, be honest.... I thought so.


Football Free Agency is in full swing, allowing hundred-thousandaires to become multi-millionaires withthe stroke of a pen. Fans of all teams (including myself) will spend many hours fantasizing (in a non-sexual way) about what this player or that player can add to our teams in a great and glorious quest for dominancy. Only to watch that same player sign with another team, teaching us the meaning of "sour grapes" all over again.

I went through this with Jevon Kearse, who made me do much the same (cursing, that is) once the pass-rusher signed with the Eagles instead. It would ahve been nice to have a player who can get to the QB, Brett favre in particular. But no, our current Bears prefer to lose, so he wasn't going to fit in our system.

All is not lost though. they are looking at getting some blockers forour greenhorn QB, in the thought that he might have to have more than a millisecond to throw the ball. John Tait is his name. They sign him,and all is forgiven. If not....well, maybe the Twins will make the playoffs, and I can be distracted with the baseball season.

They are also looking at taking a WR in the draft in the coming months. While we have a plethora of Wr's already, the offense that the Bears are running don't particularly fit the system, and none of them are the caliber of WRs they are considering.

Besides, it's a perfect way for the Bears to show off their mis-management.


It's snowing here. Either that, or the Association of Sexually Repressed Men have negotiated a remarkable breakthrough in poo-nannie diplomacy. (Ewwww. )

At least 6-7 inches has fallen overnight, making the way slick and wet. (Snow, PEOPLE! SNOW! Come on!) OK I can't resist. Meteorologists expect a quick recovery however, thanks to a circumpect chemical with little-known side affects. That, and a snowblow. Er.

The weather had been pretty mild, climbing all the way up to 40 degrees yesterday afternoon, but if you know anything about Minnesota, then you know that winter isn't over until mid-May. We were bound (and still are) to have at least 1-2 more good storms before the winter snowfall season is over. To think otherwise would be foolhearty. This is where it gets tough, because you get teased with really really nice weather, giving you the false assumption that spring has arrived, only to wake up one morning covered under a new blanket of slush and grime. You grit your teeth, and just remember that these are the last flailing of a dying monster. Winter is suffering from mortal wounds, and knows it's going to die. It's just trying to take a few people with it in the process.


Final details are finally in place for a visit from my sister later this month. I'm looking forward to it, since I haven't seen her in a few years,a nd we've never really gotten togeather on our own since we both have left the nest. It'll be interesting to see how she's grown. I see alot of my oldest in her, especially when it comes to pushing my buttons. Noone was better at annoying me than my sister, up until I met my wife that is, and my oldest has been known to dust off some of those same triggers that were used so long ago.

I remember in elementary school, I would walk her home. And on the way home, there was a house that had 3 VW bugs....every day tehre was a race to see who could see them first and deliver the slug-a-bugs. And the invisible letters to Santa taht I threatened her with, when she wouldn't do what I wanted her to....

Man, I was the perfect big brother.

As wonderful as it will be to have her visit, I have a friend who is celebrating his birthday that same day. His wife is preparing a male deer (read: STAG) party complete with a few female friends from a local establishment to bring in his new year properly. While I would never put a night of debauchery above time with my own sister, it is rather regrettable that 2 or possibly 3 women will be performing lewd acts (faked or not) without my presence. Sigh...Drat the luck.


Lastly, I received a report from the home front today. turns out Anna was making breakfast for herself, and wanted eggs. So she cracked 8 of them into a bowl (no shells in it whatsoever), and placed the bowl into the microwave for cooking. Seems normal, if you consider a 3 year old little girl with the ability to crack and microwave an egg normal. She's done it countless times before, astonishing Mom and Dad (that's me) to no end each and every time.

Oh, did I mention that the bowl placed intot he microwave was metal?

The sparks were pretty. Apparently mom came downstairs just in time before the microwave exploded, and it seems to have survived just fine. Mom's heartrate is still on the mend.

In cooking sessions past, she ahd always used a plastic bowl, so there was never any problem, other than the fact that she had used up our supply of eggs. She'd usually use no more than 3 or 4, though there was once when she used 6.

This time it was 8 eggs. And it wouldn't bother me if she actually ate them. I'm not saying the whole thing...I'm jsut asking for a bite or two.

Oh, she says that she likes eating eggs. But I have yet to actually see her do that.

All complaining aside, I'm not too smart, but smart enough to know that she's showing some aptitude in this, and we should probably frther encourage this interest, before it fades and she gets into...I dunno....piercings or something.



Still working on Hard drive issues. I ahve a co-worker who was nice enough to hook up my HD to his system to determine what is or isn't on it, and I trust him to be discreet enough not to go poking around, searching for the inevitbale dark corners that could be on anyone's computer. Even yours!

I'll alert you when things change. Until then, we'll see if I can't do this on a 2x weekly basis.

Until next week.

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